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Weekly Special Events

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Hello everyone


Weekly Special Events idea was something i used to think alot from time to time, and i though we can actually do it in the server now.


The idea is simple, we'll have events, scheduled before so people will know which day/time we are going to do it.


The events could be one of them: ( Or any other ideas you have, this is what i can think of it right now)


-Faction-themed events***** (For example 3 desert maps in a row while sarranids are defending and another faction attacking)

-Film-themed events (For example LotR, GoT, i know we have some maps adapted from those series)+also new maps could be made

-Random/Special Equipment events ( With using the feature King Arthur made on neoGK, for example a team with only samurai set against another team only with knights set)


What do you guys think?



**** about faction themed events, i have another idea aswell but it is something much more bigger than this, and for me we need to see if these events work first to discuss about that idea later



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    Old Shrubber

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I like events so i say Yes, splendid go ahead :)


Do you have an idea of the time of the day , i suppose during afterrnoon or evening ?

I personnaly like the wtf/random equipement the most.


_Themes other than Calradia factions would be "meh" In my opinion. Defending Helms' deep as a Khergit, while it is fun in regular day to day games, would not be great for a themed immersion, would it?


( Or else you would need special equipment, like the one used with permission by the Full Invasion mod guys : elvish, rohan, gondor armors weapons for LOTR, for example, or japanese and mongols sets for Asian theme, or weapons and armors from one of the several GOT mods. )


_About Calradia factions at war, a succession of themed event (both using Trollgame's Siege and battle servers) being part of a whole campaign would be nice, ok it is not quite clear in my mind but maybe you see wqhat i mean.


_One silly question, is it possible to do an "Inf only" event, just to experience it once? :P

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    The Mongol

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You must say server you wish...,

I say this, because maybe siege server (if you are thinking on it) won't be the best option, since this is most populated, and not all players like events, or if they like, is only for a "few" rounds, and before it you need KA's approve  :rolleyes:  :)


ps: I suggest battle server ;) (but dunno if has maps you said)




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Nice idea, suggest TG Battle^^

. : | Posted Image | : .



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We used to have this thing every weekend. It was called "Saturday Journey". Basically, an event that closed all servers except one where we would blow the dust off of our event maps (sometimes even tried new maps in the event as a promotional feature) and made fun battles with or without bots. The purpose was to give people a great time overall. It was a pretty big success in our community. We could do that again, I think.

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Well, for the server i assume both battle and siege would be fine. However maybe there might be a problem of finding players on battle server.


also @Knight Who Says NI : Yes, a campaign was exactly what i was thinking about the idea i meant there with  : **** about faction themed events

Though we need to see if this idea Works before as making a campaign like that will take much more time and will need a lot of work :)

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Well, for the server i assume both battle and siege would be fine. However maybe there might be a problem of finding players on battle server.

I don't think using siege server is a good idea and I'll tell you why:

1. it's constantly overpopulated and it renders low fps for 90% of the people because of this

2. we need to promote the other servers as well, siege is already recognized as a key figure

3. if the competition sees the siege server 200/200 they might ddos again and spoil all the fun


There will not be a problem gathering players on the battle server. Almost all troll-gamers will attend, just like they used to.

When outsiders see the server is not empty, they will join too and that will be our opportunity to present our feats and maps and basically the community as a whole.

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    Old Shrubber

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Question is : how to promote TG Battle?


Knowing that IG_Battle server is already attracting most of battle veterans.


Maybe a solution would be to rename **MountAndSiege** into **TG_MountAndSiege**, since you guys merged?

By doing this, pple who come to M&S might do the connection between all the TG servers and try to come and play.


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That might work.

But if we are to do this, I say we should wait until the next troll-patch comes out to have all the maps fixed and in order (after all, we're professionals :P).

We've been working on it for a while now and it's almost ready. Glitchy spawns' time has come to an end.

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    The Mongol

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btw, I'm chatting a message online in siege sometimes (best moment to chat is at start of each round/map):


"we have other servers running: **TG_Battle** , **TG_Duel** , **TG_Arena** , you can join these if you like, and go website for more info"


so maybe after some days doing this, other servers will be "connected" in player's brain with **MountAndSiege** and website ;)


ps: @KA maybe you want add this phrase like hint online at siege server



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btw, I'm chatting a message online in siege sometimes (best moment to chat is at start of each round/map):


"we have other servers running: **TG_Battle** , **TG_Duel** , **TG_Arena** , you can join these if you like, and go website for more info"


so maybe after some days doing this, other servers will be "connected" in player's brain with **MountAndSiege** and website ;)

I wouldn't do that. If I were a frequent player of Mount&Siege and saw those messages 3 times, I would not play in any of the servers cuz it kinda sounds desperate, know what i mean?


You could instead add in all 4 servers a message like:

"Hint: Try our other servers [insert the names of the other 3 servers here]. For more info check our website www.troll-game.org"

it's more minimalist and less eye disturbing


We should make an official YouTube channel where we present the weekly events (we must bring saturday journey back to life and embrace the tourney of the five crowns as a traditional event that takes place each season - spring, summer, autumn, winter) and accentuate our competitive advantages (decaps come to mind as a first example).


At least that's how I'd do it. If you got new ideas or want to complete the ones above, please feel free to share your thoughts. We all need to put our minds to work on this common goal, to make a name for ourselves out there or we will get lost in the crowd like countless other servers.

Edited by BlackDeath, 01 February 2016 - 10:28 AM.
ok, message/idea is same, but as you wrote it seems better, agree ;)

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maybe a button just like f5 (for admins) but then f4 with that sentence

Edited by Andrei III, 02 February 2016 - 07:52 AM.
with an anti-spam condition, yes, that would be great

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    The Mongol

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You could instead add in all 4 servers a message like:
"Hint: Try our other servers [insert the names of the other 3 servers here]. For more info check our website www.troll-game.org"
it's more minimalist and less eye disturbing

hmm thinking/joking... is this less, or same eye disturbing (now)? :D (since server's names are these)
"Hint: Try our other servers [ **TG_Battle** / **TG_Duel** / **TG_Arena** ]. For more info check our website www.troll-game.org"



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hmm thinking/joking... is this less, or same eye disturbing (now)? :D (since server's names are these)
"Hint: Try our other servers [ **TG_Battle** / **TG_Duel** / **TG_Arena** ]. For more info check our website www.troll-game.org"

Well, that was my humble opinion but I appreciate your concern. You are, nonetheless, free to do what you think is best for our cause and know that I support any endeavor in such regard.

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Yes Andrei's idea of making more saturday events on other servers and making These sesional tournaments is really good and i think it would work pretty well :) Or mby i just want more competitive feeling in TG but thats just me  :rolleyes:

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Yes Andrei's idea of making more saturday events on other servers and making These sesional tournaments is really good and i think it would work pretty well :) Or mby i just want more competitive feeling in TG but thats just me  :rolleyes:

pls this kind of thing will put us on the map. last tourney was a hell of a job and turned out pretty damn well. we had great fun.

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Btw can we make announcements another colour than the admin colour (really annoying)




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Will events be back? Great!  :) I really miss saturday journeys.



    The Mongol

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Btw can we make announcements another colour than the admin colour (really annoying)

what do you mean? :hmm: :D



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what do you mean? :hmm: :D

3 months ago :D


But I mean the tips and hints make them an other colour cuz I think many pp sometimes think that if an admin says something it is an announcement, although I have that prob sometimes

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