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LGBT Pride Month

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25 replies to this topic

Poll: Do you support our idea? (25 member(s) have cast votes)

Close server to non LGBT+ players for LGBT Pride Month?

  1. Yes ⤠(12 votes [48.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.00%

  2. No ☠ (13 votes [52.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 52.00%

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As you all know or should know June is LGBT Pride month. I and many other gay players had a discussion and came up with what we think is a good idea.


Being an LGBTQIA+ player can be quite lonely and quite scary, so we thought for the whole month of June the siege server should only be open to LGBT+ players.


We think this would be a good idea because it would give gay players a chance to connect and talk to each other without being ridiculed and harrased by straight, white, male scum.


We need all the support we can get! and the time is now, for gay players to stand up and be counted!



So please sign the poll and show the admins that you support us!




And If You're Hoping To Come Out In June, Remember... Leave the closet in style.x â¤


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Nopeeeeeeeeeeeee :rolleyes:

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There is only one way to become champion never fucking lose!!!

"A man is never too weak or too wounded to fight. If his cause is greater than his own life." -Oenomaus

All men fall. It's but time and method that differ.




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pls more of this unecassery homo erotica .....
i had nothing against gay people until you came around, now i cant stand them at all  :unsure:

  • King BoBo likes this


Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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pls more of this unecassery homo erotica .....
i had nothing against gay people until you came around, now i cant stand them at all  :unsure:

Holy shit you are dumb-dumb.




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explain which part of this should be funny? gay jokes or me not approving gay jokes or that random answer  :hmm:




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Aspasia is most likely a troll, but whatever. Fags make about 1% of population. Warband is manly game, so we can safely presume fags make less than 1% of Trollgame servers player base. So would you really like a siege with 5-10 fags on each side?



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pls more of this unecassery homo erotica .....
i had nothing against gay people until you came around, now i cant stand them at all  :unsure:


So one person can change your opinion of a whole group of people? 



Fags make about 1% of population. Warband is manly game, so we can safely presume fags make less than 1% of Trollgame servers player base. So would you really like a siege with 5-10 fags on each side?


Thank you! We fags only make up 1% of the population so we need to be protected. I spoke to many gay players (Don't worry I wont give your secret away  ;) ) and the server could hit about 60v60. People don't seem to realise how many of us there are.



It looks like our poll has been hit by trolls maybe 4chan?, STAY STRONG!




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"go play duplo n00b"

King BoBo

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Dragane ovo malo vuÄe na paradu






Još samo d ašiptare traže prava

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So one person can change your opinion of a whole group of people? 






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y not

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    The Mongol

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No. Siege and other severs are (will be) free/open for all kind of people (that don't causes troubles, ofc), so this poll (and results, whatever it's...) not to decide any about it.



  • Joss, BamBam, Umbuz and 1 other like this



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  • Skull Of Plums, The_Knight_Who_Says_NI and cev-trell like this



    The Mongol

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not so hard... :rolleyes:

...forgot: btw, LGBT members can join siege/others as they wishes ^_^




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No. Siege and other severs are (will be) free/open for all kind of people (that don't causes troubles, ofc), so this poll (and results, whatever it's...) not to decide any about it.




What about this year? We are still being discriminated against.






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What about this year? We are still being discriminated against.




Trolling and jokes aside and talking seriously...there's so many people out there being discriminated for so many things that has nothing to do with sexual orientation, gender or race, not just socially, also when it comes to finding a job, many people in the world are discriminated for being ugly, for living in a poor neighbourhood, for being fat, for being too short, for being too tall, for being a woman with very big breasts, for being a person physically or mentally disabled, sometimes even for being a bald man, etcetera.

Under our european "free democracy" of this "healthy capitalism" when it comes to the labour market there are many forms of discrimination that has nothing to do with sexual orientation, gender or race, we don't need to live under a Hitler's regime to taste the fascism daily, and don't even think i'm leftist or something like that just because i think this way, i don't like leftists or liberals neither, many of them live in an unreal lollipop world and can't even see the truth of the real world beyond their own navel.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the gay, feminist, black movement, etc. but i have a crucial message for them: Learn to look beyond your own belly button, i know most of them would send me to hell if i told them this so that's why I learned that what matters in life is the true own goodness and the true will to do the good to others, nothing and nobody will break that will if it's enough strong, before that the social movements are secondary, they want the "betterment of humankind" but i've met so many wicked people from these movements that i already lost the account.

  • BlackDeath, Amamama and The_Knight_Who_Says_NI like this



    The Mongol

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What about this year? We are still being discriminated against.



This year is same: Server/s are FREE for all kind without restrictions (again, while they follow TG's Rules, ofc :rolleyes: )

Your idea simply seems as "discriminated" as you think that other ideas/behaviours are.

  • Aeneu and Dusan like this

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