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2 monitors

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    Ancient Member

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Eyy guys/ladies


I have 2 monitors, but i have a prob.


I want to browse at one and game at the other one, but if i click on my second monitor my first monitor (where the game is on) minimize the game. This is really annoying, anyone knows how to prevent this from happening?



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Tried setting the game not in full screen but in windowed mode?


If that doesn't work you could try virtual desktops too, there are many free open source programs. I'm using virtuawin, oldie but goodie (on win7). Maybe virtuawin along Dual Monitor Taskbar. Though I haven't tried what you are trying to do, so take my advice with a bit of salt.



    The Mongol

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I do what h3I1x said, from game screen I click "left Alt"+"Enter" (then click ESC to leave screen game and make the desktop available), to change to windowed mode when I need jump to browser or desktop to see/check whatever (dunno about other options),

doing like this is ok to me, and when I end doing things out of game, click again same keys to return to full screen in game, its quickest way to do.



    Ancient Member

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I alr did that, I hate windowed though :P

I asked some of my friends, it is built-in. Windows protection for overloading processor.

Will try those programs though.



    Ancient Member

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Looks good too



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Random if you ever do find a way of gaming on one monitor > press some key combination > move cursor to other monitor while keeping game on 1st monitor active in fullscreen mode (not window mode), please share it so others can benefit too from your research.



    Ancient Member

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Random if you ever do find a way of gaming on one monitor > press some key combination > move cursor to other monitor while keeping game on 1st monitor active in fullscreen mode (not window mode), please share it so others can benefit too from your research.

Stopped my search, as it is integrated in windows. Im now going to steam and to my other screen (it minimize when you press on second monitor when you have steam overlay on (you can switch then from screen to screen)) or I alt+tab. :(

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