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Khergits removed again?

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As the title suggests, have Khergits been taken out of rotation again? I've been playing less recently so it could be just chance I missed them, which in that case apologies, but each time I've been on I haven't seen them.



    High Admin Emeritius

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No. It's random. Yesterday khergits played only 4 times, vaegirs played most (33 times).



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No. It's random. Yesterday khergits played only 4 times, vaegirs played most (33 times).

Ah then my bad, I was prompted to make this since someone was called "Bring_back_Khergits" or something and that seemed to be a possibility but it's just coincidental.



    Ancient Member

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No. It's random. Yesterday khergits played only 4 times, vaegirs played most (33 times).

damn that is not really even, I hope when bannerlord releases we can use some statistics or chances. As this is just fked up imo.



    High Admin Emeritius

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damn that is not really even, I hope when bannerlord releases we can use some statistics or chances. As this is just fked up imo.


These are the stats written on logs.



    Ancient Member

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These are the stats written on logs.

Yes but I mean, that the vagirs have been almost 30 times more played than Khergits. And with the statistics I mean, how more often the faction is played how less chance there is that it will get on next map.



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On that matter, Khergits should be removed and 50% of maps.



    Ancient Member

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On that matter, Khergits should be removed and 50% of maps.

Lets get this for once more out to the world. We tried to make khergits only attacker or defender and we tried to reduce the amount of time it is been played, but both times it did not work and we were forced to stay it like default or remove khergits at all. The problem is that the faction system is hard coded into warband and we can't really change anything about it.



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On that matter, Khergits should be removed and 50% of maps.

If you played when Khergits were removed completely you would know how quickly it became stale with just 5 factions.




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Khergits are a perfectly viable faction, even when the terrain is unfavorable for cav. I certainly don't mind standing in a Khergit shieldwall.




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Khergits are a perfectly viable faction, even when the terrain is unfavorable for cav. I certainly don't mind standing in a Khergit shieldwall.

khergits have worst shield wall of all because they only have cavalry shields, except the steel shield like one they all suck. :D, but bannerlord seems close now.



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Rather than making a new topic I'll just use this one again.


Have Khergits been removed from attackers? I haven't seen them attacking for several weeks, only on defence.



    High Admin Emeritius

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Rather than making a new topic I'll just use this one again.


Have Khergits been removed from attackers? I haven't seen them attacking for several weeks, only on defence.

Yes. They're too weak for attack side.



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Yes. They're too weak for attack side.

Unfortunately true for those that don't have the mod, perhaps they could be brought back with some gold penalties for the defending faction, or a slight gold increase while attacking? Perhaps starting the defenders with lives even.

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