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Weekend + no admin = MUST READ!!!

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On M&S today there were no admin, and people took advantage of that. they "destroyed" the game by blocking over half of defenders team inside the spawning point/castle. I do not know the name of the map


if you look on the 11 last screenshots I took, you got the name of the trolls there. (the last one i took was one troll trying to destroy gates to flag on the next map.





The Creative

  • KingArthur, BlackDeath, SideStrafe and 5 others like this



    Ancient Member

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we are very sorry about this, I think most of them will be banned. Thx for reporting.


But the thing is, when I come on last few months I temp ban someone once in 4 hours, and that are just some light offences. So I think this was a group or something and many admins are not really active on siege anymore as most of the trolls are banned and rarely show up. And nowadays I do not like siege that much anymore, it is just too easy (for me). I do not like attacker as you get shot from all sides and teammates are just annoying, and as defender it is rarely that I get less than 1 death on 3 kills. And Im more or less just waiting for Bannerlord while playing on Arena, which is currently the biggest DM server and fun to play on.

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    High Admin Emeritius

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All banned. Thanks for report.

  • BlackDeath likes this




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  • LocationIn the shieldwall.

Might be a good idea to recruit some more server admins/moderators ? Last few weeks definately saw an incease in trolls.




    Ancient Member

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Might be a good idea to recruit some more server admins/moderators ? Last few weeks definately saw an incease in trolls.

I will contact you about it.
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    The Mongol

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...and this is what happens when you think that there are no admins online:


 # The_Dark_Plantagenet_Brother is banned permanently by KingArthur.
 # Black_Alien is banned permanently by KingArthur.
 # WiIIy is banned permanently by KingArthur.
 # VaIgard is banned permanently by KingArthur.
 # Horsefucker is banned permanently by KingArthur.
 # Fuh is banned permanently by KingArthur.
 # Stink is banned permanently by KingArthur.


You are warned!!! B)


ps: you can show this post where you like to warn annoy ppl.

Edited by BlackDeath, 30 October 2016 - 09:55 PM.
moved here for best info to all

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