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question for using catapult (solved)

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you say in post :


To SHOT  after catatapult is loaded, you must hit WINCH” LITTLE WHEELS TOOTHED, both sides)

with your weapon *** BEWARE!!! of hitting body of cat, you can break it easily "


i dont understand "winch", is it that i do shot with my one hand weapon the catapult for catapult shot ? 





  • SideStrafe, DierornSVK, Pawel305 and 13 others like this



    Ancient Member

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You can hit with any weapon even with arrows from close range



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i  need to intend where is few player in the morning.

i  have posted 2 times, can you delete one message.


Thank you Horatius "senior baby admin" ;)



    The Mongol

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 WINCH” LITTLE WHEELS TOOTHED, both sides ) <<<<< THIS PART AT BACK OF CATAPULT, (same for trebuchet and ram)


i dont understand "winch", is it that i do shot with my one hand weapon the catapult for catapult shot ? 

already answered? :rolleyes:

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