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A new tragedy has hit the gaming industry
Started by
Skull Of Plums
, Feb 04 2017 12:51 PM
Posted 04 February 2017 - 12:51 PM

Posted 06 February 2017 - 04:06 PM

noot noot
xXxChirstxXx 1:19-95rus, Yolo.
Brothers guna miss; Haters guna jell; Yolo guna swag; Ginger gon to hell;
For I am, Juses, #twice a life having yo mama and lay egg; pray, a peasant, as hear you I, warm is tea in an tea partea yet,
Thus living a core of justice in our hearts and she-pussy's, and living thay spirit of teen hood 360 noscope, and blessing 24/7 our being
With great sweg, as with great sweg, comes great portion of seamen right up your eye; and nay it only; #hadmom.
You may take me away to thay army, may I but take away your mother and had sex.
© Jesis Chirst, king of peoples, and Jews. 22/8/14
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