That's what you are doing 24/7 on game maker studio lately .
Release date?
Open/closed beta?
Single player?
Shitty servers?
Early acces?
Just had to be an annoying twat .
Q: Price?
A: Less than $10 - between $5-10 I'm thinking
Q: Release date?
A: When it's done ><
Q: Open/closed beta?
A: If you guys want to play test it then that would be cool - feedback is always welcome
Q: Blogs?
A: On the steam group: http://steamcommunit...roups/slimefarm
Q: Multiplayer?
A: Not at the moment. If I had multiplayer it would have players slimes battling it out, that's all.
Q: Single player? It's a single player game right now.
A: Storyline? You're a goblin who wants to be the best slime trainer in the underground! You start off at the bottom rank with the worst slime and go from there.
Q: Shitty servers?
A: No servers
Q: Forums?
A: Steam group: http://steamcommunit...roups/slimefarm
Q: Early acces?
A: No, but play testers welcome
Q: Dlc?
A: Maybe multiplayer, new slimes to unlock/breed. New areas to explore etc. I won't charge for DLC unless I really need to (main expense is artists)
FreeKey4Me Maybe!
Nice. Post some screens or problems to solve.
I also started with GameMaker. its good for novices in programming, but dont stay too long with it. Better go with C#.
I made some nice shit in gamemaker like advanced AI for mobs or crafting system, but it was slow as fuck. That was the reason i stopped using GM.
Thanks for the offer, dude. I might take you up on that. I've been able to overcome problems so far, it's just doing the work now at the moment. I don't see myself moving to C# or any other language for a long time, haha.
Can't seem to show a screenshot here but the link is below - latest screenshot of the slime farm.
Keep up the hard work mate
Thank you!
game maker is a shitty tool but it's a tool indeed. a drum music on recycle bin is a good music as far as it sound good as well.
what matters anyway is the result.
it's doesn't make a huge difference but i would really recommend you transferring to unity before you gone too far, because it will make u more productive, and extend your toolset.
in any case good luck mate ;d
p.s. i'm an unreal engine game dev
I've learned a lot since march last year - arrays scared me and Id never done a "For" loop before. Now Im using them all the time. After I've finished this project I might take a look at other languages. I don't really want to make 3d games though, I want to make 2d Simulation games because that's what I love (And game maker seems pretty good at that, but I don't know any better)
Edited by Randomdude, 23 February 2017 - 12:48 AM.