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Need russian admin for server

russian admin

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In the chat a lot of insults of players in Russian. They can not kick and they continue to flood. The server needs an administrator who understands Russian and is ready to take mute and then ban. I do not know who to advise, of all most suited "Russian_petrushka", but whether he can ban his friends on chat - a big question. On the server there are up to 20-30% of players speaking Russian.

P.s. It is necessary to ban players who take insulting nicknames: Hitler, Breivik, Chikatilo, etc.




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We actually got many admins that understand russian, but problem is not about admins, trollgame servers are more tolerating towards names than other servers.
In any case if you see a spesific player that causes too many problems around you can freely report him to the website and the player will be dealt accordingly.

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    The Mongol

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Yes, as Joss says, there are no punishes for "names" (if were servers will be almost empty :D)

Btw, you can post here about players insulting hardly (not simply insults: this is something normal in my country between friends and none of us rage until get to hands, it is like usual behaviour for us, so I don't pay much attention normally, with the exception for when some player complain about it ofc).

We will looking for and read later in logs to judge properly (logs register all chats, and even if they talk in russian or chinese, we can translate all :rolleyes: ;) )

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P.s. It is necessary to ban players who take insulting nicknames: Hitler, Breivik, Chikatilo, etc.

Why? hitler is seen by most in Europe as a horrible person, but honestly I don't care if I see somebody with the name hitler or smt (tbh I have a different view of ppl who have done things in the past (e.g. Hitler/Stalin))




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1. Look through the logs for yesterday and read those who wrote in Russian.

2. Because of your tolerance, people with not high quality rule your civilization - this is your policy. If a person is not put in place - he strengthens his defective behavior/

e.g. Hitler/Stalin - This shows how much you look from one point of view that dominates literature in the west. Take and read something worthwhile in the Russian language of a normal Russian historian. I do not justify some of the actions of Stalin, but you can not equate the concentration camps of death with the gulag. And oh yes, read and cry Solzhenitsyn, because it was specially distilled in the West (see CIA documents).

I would like to hear the answer to the question: Who from admins understands Russian?

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1. Look through the logs for yesterday and read those who wrote in Russian.

2. Because of your tolerance, people with not high quality rule your civilization - this is your policy. If a person is not put in place - he strengthens his defective behavior/

e.g. Hitler/Stalin - This shows how much you look from one point of view that dominates literature in the west. Take and read something worthwhile in the Russian language of a normal Russian historian. I do not justify some of the actions of Stalin, but you can not equate the concentration camps of death with the gulag. And oh yes, read and cry Solzhenitsyn, because it was specially distilled in the West (see CIA documents).

I would like to hear the answer to the question: Who from admins understands Russian?

I was not comparing hitler nor stalin with eachother, just placing them here as the leaders who wanted to do things with the world on a horrible idea. (Tho they were great leaders, if you look at hitler he got within 10years a whole country for himself and could do whatever he wanted. Almost nobody in the world is able to do this, that I why I see him as a great leader because of his leadership not his idea's.)

And since when do you rule our civilization if they say things in global? Most ppl don't even care and just ignore it, only if it becomes excessive I mute them and warn them that the next punish will be more harsh.



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As Joss mentioned, the server possesses several admins that do understand Russian, even though it may not be proportional to Russians' share of the player base. The matter is rather that our server policies are not that restrictive in the points you mentioned.


Generally if we bothered to sanction every possible insult on the server here, I think administration would not get to fulfill its more important tasks. This is also how we held it in the past - if constant and targeted bullying of a person appears it's obviously another topic, but then you should point to such specifically.


Same goes for 'offensive' usernames - it is your own choice if you feel offended by the sheer sight of the name of a person you abhorr. The administration is neither willing nor capable to introduce political correctness on the servers, I may claim. This has always been our practice and there appears no reason to change it just now.

In turn, as I remember we always dealt strictly with players who used names that insult other players personally. If you are target of such, feel free to pinpoint it here (screenshots help).


If you want to lead a revisionist history discussion, this is probably not the right place to do so.


I hope this cleared some of your questions.

  • Aeneu, BlackDeath, Aratar and 4 others like this




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So, I understand your position. The question is closed

  • BlackDeath, Aratar, Skull Of Plums and 1 other like this



    The Mongol

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1. Look through the logs for yesterday and read those who wrote in Russian.

Sure they wrote some bads in chat, but please, for next time, take some screenshots of chat (click L for you can do it well),

because is hard take time to read 24-hours logs (really is too much) without at least some proof where start looking for it, ok?

Thanks for info.



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Russian_petrushka is a bitch

Im french you wont see me discuss with frenchs but 1 or 3 sentences

not 10 paragraphs-long all game

foreigners with their oldass runic language

ruining my warband screen

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Sure they wrote some bads in chat, but please, for next time, take some screenshots of chat (click L for you can do it well),

because is hard take time to read 24-hours logs (really is too much) without at least some proof where start looking for it, ok?

Thanks for info.

The beginning was somewhere in 12-13 (UTС + 5) messages from the belochka_66 + player with the ending "HUY" (in Russian the Ñoarseness rough meaning of the word "penis") for an hour, then in the area of 16 (UTC + 5) and somewhere in 21 ( UTC + 5)

A Jesus

A Jesus

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i double dare you talking again about inappropriate names :hmm:

xXxChirstxXx 1:19-95rus, Yolo.

Brothers guna miss; Haters guna jell; Yolo guna swag; Ginger gon to hell;

For I am, Juses, #twice a life having yo mama and lay egg; pray, a peasant, as hear you I, warm is tea in an tea partea yet,

Thus living a core of justice in our hearts and she-pussy's, and living thay spirit of teen hood 360 noscope, and blessing 24/7 our being

With great sweg, as with great sweg, comes great portion of seamen right up your eye; and nay it only; #hadmom.

You may take me away to thay army, may I but take away your mother and had sex.

© Jesis Chirst, king of peoples, and Jews. 22/8/14

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