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Chinese server... ( 中文服務器... )

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    The Mongol

  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 6073 posts
  • LocationFlying around in space

...Chinese server? :not:



  • Our main servers are: **MountAndSiege** and **TG_Arena**
  • We are making our maps since +3 years ago and more, and the mappers are members of our Community too
  • we are improving these/our maps constantly to fix bugs, for balance, etc...
  • we are changing rotation in maps at least 2 times each month to have some "fresh" and different each time that you play
  • by playing in our servers you are supporting us, supporting our servers, supporting our website, and allowing to all our members have "fun" too
  • ...and more


If you play in any other server, chinese included (a thing for that you are free to do ofc, we don't force any to play in our servers), you are "closing doors" to all these things above.


Thanks for read/understand...   and now, go play in our servers  :lancer2:   ;)


We need you, in same way that you need us ^_^

  • KingArthur, Strawberry, A Jesus and 9 others like this




  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 1518 posts

You need to write this post in chinese

  • KingArthur, Strawberry, BlackDeath and 7 others like this




    The Mongol

  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 6073 posts
  • LocationFlying around in space
...中文服務器 :not:

  • 我們的主要伺服器是: **MountAndSiege****TG_Arena**
  • 我們正在做我們的地圖, 因為 +3 年前和更多, 和製圖是我們的社區成員
  • 我們正在不斷改進這些/我們的地圖, 以修複 bug, 平衡等。
  • 我們在地圖上輪換至少每月2次, 有一些 "新鮮" 和不同的每次你玩
  • 通過在我們的伺服器上玩, 你支援我們, 支援我們的伺服器, 支援我們的網站, 並允許我們的成員都有 "樂趣"
  • 和更多

如果你玩任何其他服務器, 中文包括 (一個東西, 你可以自由地做, 我們不強迫任何在我們的服務器上玩), 你是 "關閉門" 所有這些事情上面。

感謝您的閱讀/理解... 現在, 去我們的服務器上玩 :lancer2:  ;)

我們需要你, 就像你需要我們一樣 ^_^
chinese traditional...   more or less :rolleyes:

  • KingArthur, Strawberry, A Jesus and 6 others like this

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