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Neogk taunts, little edit please

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    Ancient Member

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I was just wondering if it was possible to remove the "you there stop!" taunt from the button that selects a random taunt. That's because it actually is communicating when you shout "you there, stop!", but now it might happen when just click the (In my keyboard ",") button. That makes the whole taunt useless. As far as I know, this is only taunting that can be used as "chatting" with people. 



    Legendary Member

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I was just wondering if it was possible to remove the "you there stop!" taunt from the button that selects a random taunt. That's because it actually is communicating when you shout "you there, stop!", but now it might happen when just click the (In my keyboard ",") button. That makes the whole taunt useless. As far as I know, this is only taunting that can be used as "chatting" with people. 


Taunt from 6 is part of the random taunts same as all taunts from 7 and 8.. why would you delete 6 :   (



    Legendary Member

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Delete "u there stop" from ",", "u there stop" is the number 6 :(



    Ancient Member

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Yes, i use it ofc from the 6; but when I click the random taunt button, it will randomly also use that same. So it randomly says something like "It's almost harvesting season", etc and then "you there, stop", it does not make sense, because you would not shout "you there stop" if there is nearby none for who you are shouting it. 



    High Admin Emeritius

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I removed that sound from random sounds of comma key.

The game has some other funny sound that we could use. Look in sounds folder, there're cow, chicken, dog and owl sounds. :D Open them with vlc.

  • BlackDeath, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and noodle like this



    The Mongol

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The game has some other funny sound that we could use. Look in sounds folder, there're cow, chicken, dog and owl sounds. :D

Yeah please, go add some :D

  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight likes this



    High Admin Emeritius

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I added cow_moo and cow_slaughter (a bit fearful, seems a minotaur warcry). Active on next siege restart (we'll se for other servers).

  • BlackDeath, Shaga, The_Knight_Who_Says_NI and 1 other like this



    Elite Member

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add it for arena too whats the problem



    Legendary Member

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add it for arena too whats the problem

Nykyn won't like this.



    Elite Member

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Nykyn won't like this.

nykyn loves animals



    The Mongol

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I added cow_moo and cow_slaughter (a bit fearful, seems a minotaur warcry). Active on next siege restart (we'll se for other servers).

I think you should make a new addon patch to include these instead add for all, same that for Ni! sounds.

  • Lenna and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this



    Old Shrubber

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So what key do i have to hit to get the Cow sound?

Tis but a scratch



    The Mongol

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Think that ( , ) (comma/colon) but wait KingArthur :)

  • The_Knight_Who_Says_NI and DracoTheDragon like this



    High Admin Emeritius

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Yes, comma. There're 10 sounds (2 cow). When you press a random sound is played.

  • BlackDeath, Aratar, The_Knight_Who_Says_NI and 2 others like this



    Ancient Member

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This is brilliant! I love it! Please add other animals ass well. Sheeps, cows, cats, and dogs.

  • DracoTheDragon likes this



    Ancient Member

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Thanks! That made the server even more funny.   :D

  • DracoTheDragon and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this



    High Admin Emeritius

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I can only add sounds already in the game. Other animals sounds are dog, chicken and owl. But they're distant sounds, i don't think they have a nice effect when played by agent.

  • DracoTheDragon and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this



    Night's Guardian

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I can only add sounds already in the game. Other animals sounds are dog, chicken and owl. But they're distant sounds, i don't think they have a nice effect when played by agent.

What about that flute sound that plays after a quest is completed, maybe incorporating that sound in some way? Thanks King, for what you've added/innovated already....us really high pingers very well appreciate the troll-game servers even more. :D

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    Elite Member

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Loving the newly added cow sound!!! I laughed everytime!!  Carnage all around us.....then you hear a cow!!! Love it!!! Reminds me of hearing, "It's harvesting season as ppl are getting slashed and beheaded!!!

  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight likes this



    The Mongol

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There're 10 sounds (2 cow). When you press a random sound is played.

King, is possible disable some files from these 10 [( , ) key], to let that cow sounds come more often in time? btw I think that there are similar sounds in F+other keys.

  • DracoTheDragon likes this

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