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Cyrillic should really be forbidden (closed)


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Cyrillic font in MnB grabs too many attention compared to latin. Its bold by default, 2x times bigger than latin and most players dont understand cyrillic languages. Furthermore, if you translate messages from players like JekaApache, Alatriste, you will see that ~65% of their messages are insults and other spam.


How it looks in game:




So i think that cyrillic should be forbidden

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    Old Shrubber

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Decent troll.


Tis but a scratch




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My lord?

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if we ban cyrillic from the servers. the 90% of the insults will be gone. russians hae a really toxic culture honestly :(




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if we ban cyrillic from the servers. the 90% of the insults will be gone. russians hae a really toxic culture honestly :(

Not russians but beggars/poor&stupid ppl

Most of adequate russians dont play games

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I agree with this. It is really distracting and yes, it is unfair that those ignorant b******** are spamming low iq paragraphs of texts and we don't even understand them............ 

  • Sir_Rave likes this



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Everywhere discrimination :/ .fucking butthurt . Just fucking don't play in this game , if its annoy you. Dont destroy a fun for others -_- and finnaly kill yourself bitch gay .
  • Jozi * and Annabella Campbell like this
Только лютый хардбасс



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I think that latin script should be banned, since 90% of tg players are Russian. When chatting in cyrillic It is really confusing and unpleasant to suddenly see latin script appear usually with messages like "gay marriage is great", "ban russians", "I became gay yesterday lol" etc.

Also, give sir-Rave a year ban for his own safety. And mariina too to protect her from this "really toxic culture honestly"(respectfully, I hope you eat shit and die you goulash eating degenerate). The same applies to all rusophobes and other fascists like MF.


  • Princess_Zumba, cev-trell, Eleonnika and 1 other like this




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I think that latin script should be banned, since 90% of tg players are Russian. 

if 90% of chat is russian that doesnt mean that 90% of population is russian



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if 90% of chat is russian that doesnt mean that 90% of population is russian

are you fucking illiterate?



    The Mongol

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Chat online has freedom of languages...   and all players have MUTE option :stab:

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I think that latin script should be banned, since 90% of tg players are Russian. When chatting in cyrillic It is really confusing and unpleasant to suddenly see latin script appear usually with messages like "gay marriage is great", "ban russians", "I became gay yesterday lol" etc.

Also, give sir-Rave a year ban for his own safety. And mariina too to protect her from this "really toxic culture honestly"(respectfully, I hope you eat shit and die you goulash eating degenerate). The same applies to all rusophobes and other fascists like MF.



I am not fascist. 



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For info: Sir_Rave's account is banned for use of fake email to validate.



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you should at least moderate their speech, because everyone has to see it on the screen every time, especially what JekaApache writes, he floods the whole lower left quarter of the screen with disgusting writings (like what you can see in a public toilet)


muting him each time is a great idea, but you don't tell people to mute those who write profanity in english, right? you mute them for everyone on server, or you just plain ban them (i have personally witnessed several people getting temp-banned for writing almost nothing (in english))



    The Mongol

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English is the main language in server, we use it because is more popular around the world, and most of players can use it at least at basics of language.

We don't force players to use english or other language, they use that they want, but keeping in mind that using english you can make that a mayority understand you, if this is that you wish ofc.


Normally we can't punish for bad words in a language that we can't understand instantly (while we are online), but if some players complain, we can read logs later and translate that we need to judge and punish if/who deserve.


For english, you will see an admin job working most of times online (example muting him and or kick later, or other higher punish depending of happened), because is basic/minimum language that all admins must know at least to get this rank, and they can judge easily.

Also maybe you can see some other admins doing this job with other languages, but this is only because these admins know that language (is native for them) in addition to english...   some examples are russian+Percyvelle admin, or turk+Aratar admin.

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