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rotation (updated) (closed)

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    Ancient Member

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Hello there,i was just wondering,if you could maybe change the map rotation on siege maybe like once per week ? Just mix it differently, for some people,like me,who usually join siege at same time everyday,usually evening, its really boring to play the same maps all the time.

  • KingArthur, BlackDeath, Aratar and 4 others like this



    The Mongol

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Hi, I keep changing rotation since months (years), but only when I have some time because it need some work to get a balanced new rotation.

I will change again as soon as I can.


pd: KingArthur just informed that maybe in future we can have rotation changing by auto in server.

  • Dacket, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight, Umbuz and 1 other like this



    Night's Guardian

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Hmmm, I'm indifferent about changing rotation so often; we still have many players who don't know the maps well enough even to know where the flags are on them. I know of this, because 2 days ago, there were players in chat saying they don't know where the flag is. This also proves we are getting new players more than what I think we realize. This comment isn't meant to totally disregard Livso's suggestion; it's just something to know or be aware of.

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    Night's Guardian

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Hello there,i was just wondering,if you could maybe change the map rotation on siege maybe like once per week ? Just mix it differently, for some people,like me,who usually join siege at same time everyday,usually evening, its really boring to play the same maps all the time.

The server autoreset may be part to blame for this, imo. Maybe if the autoreset would be less frequent would help map rotation. Again, just a comment to consider.

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    Ancient Member

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Maybe they dont know where the flag is because they always play the same maps,then,if by some reason they join sooner,they play a map they havent played yet.

  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and Umbuz like this


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I know of this, because 2 days ago, there were players in chat saying they don't know where the flag is.


I bet that the map was called Wheatwudd Tower.


  • Guests

Having had searched a little forums I found this topic: https://community.tr...little-refresh/. The issue of repetitiveness was a thing back in the early 2016, so its reocurrence is not a surprise.

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    Advanced Member

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Please keep ''Nairut Patrol'' in map routation, thanks :)

  • Dacket and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this


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Please keep ''Nairut Patrol'' in map routation, thanks :)


So that you can get effortless kills by operating the ballista above two ladders, just in order to boost worthless statistics not reflecting effort-requiring skill? Nairut Patrol is the worst scene in the rotation where:

  1. one ballista with considerable area of effect can point at two ladders,
  2. two balloons can reach the mountain above the castle from which terrain attackers can shoot every single defender in the open area, thereby said issue is a major flaw in terms of design,
  3. the full_keep_b prop is a battlement where the fighting occurs (see https://community.tr...castle/?p=34673),
  4. there are other major drawbacks that will be mentioned in my future thread.

When I have more spare time, I will compile my entire collection of recordings shot therein corroborating my point of view and outlooks on the matter and publish them in my one topic thoroughly explaining why said map should be permanently deleted from the rotation and the server, with documented reasons backing my stance.

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    The Mongol

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For info:

New rotations don't disable any of maps in rotation, simply change the order of appearance since server is restarted, so it is a good idea about that Chivalrous suggested, make a manual restart of server to let that actual rotation start at diferent hours than normally, then maps running will be others than normally starts at same hours daily. The only problem with this is that players can leave server, if a manual restart is applied when server is high populated, and lost some/many players after restart. I do sometimes manual restarts (because need to update a map, etc.), even warning players online that this go happens in few minutes, but as I said, some players left and go other servers.


To disable a map, it must have some troubles impossible to fix, or because some new + better map is waiting to be added, and we looking for a worst map to interchange with this new. We don't want a server with +~70 maps in rotation, as actually it has.

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    The Mongol

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New rotation active >>> https://community.tr...-maps-in-siege/

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    The Mongol

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Please keep ''Nairut Patrol'' in map routation, thanks :)

Nairuut is first map, wake up soon!!! :D



    hey u

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also, it would be great to return 'old_lighthouse' to map rotation. imo



    The Mongol

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also, it would be great to return 'old_lighthouse' to map rotation. imo

Dacket, some maps are out of rotation because aren't enough well balanced (or good) for all ocassions (for few players, many players, etc...) sorry.



    Night's Guardian

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I bet that the map was called Wheatwudd Tower.

Nope; actually, a less complex map.

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    The Mongol

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Last news >>> https://community.tr...ges/#entry35355


We can close this topic now :)





    Legendary Member

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So that you can get effortless kills by operating the ballista above two ladders, just in order to boost worthless statistics not reflecting effort-requiring skill? Nairut Patrol is the worst scene in the rotation where:

  1. one ballista with considerable area of effect can point at two ladders,
  2. two balloons can reach the mountain above the castle from which terrain attackers can shoot every single defender in the open area, thereby said issue is a major flaw in terms of design,
  3. the full_keep_b prop is a battlement where the fighting occurs (see https://community.tr...castle/?p=34673),
  4. there are other major drawbacks that will be mentioned in my future thread.

When I have more spare time, I will compile my entire collection of recordings shot therein corroborating my point of view and outlooks on the matter and publish them in my one topic thoroughly explaining why said map should be permanently deleted from the rotation and the server, with documented reasons backing my stance.


Once I will deal with abuser admin Mikhailusa, I will jump into huge project against this specific map. It is not possible for us to accept such slaughtery as THIS.

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