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How to host internet server?

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Hey, As hosting a server on LAN is not working, I thought about maybe it will work if we host it using the internet. Does anyone know how to normally host a server which will show up on the internet list? (So my friends can join?)
  • WesleyKarve and ChinaJet like this


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Hello Fradelius, First of all, please read this before doing anything: http://forums.talewo...?topic=113653.0

Now, you know how to works open a dedicated server. But you need dedicated server files.

You can download from here: http://download2.tal...icated_1158.zip or here: ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/mb_warband_dedicated_1158.zip

Extract dedicated server files(folder) wherever you like when download progress finished.

Now, you have the files and you know how to start your server. If you want to open a legit/official server; you can start right now.

But, your server most likely doesn't appear legit/official server list. Because, most likely your 7240 port is not open now.

If you want to see your server in one of these master server lists; you need to open your 7240 port.

Go ahead and try to open your 7240 port. You can see on your in-game menu or you can check from here;

About Hamachi: I only used one time & years ago. So, Warband how its works under Hamachis Network, I have no idea.

But, If you fallow my steps; no need to using Hamachi for you (server provider) and your friends (players).



1 - Q: I did everything you said. My server is open. I can see in-game menu when I click "Source: Local Area Network" but doesn't shows up when I click "Source: Internet"
Check this solution:


2 - Q: Can you help me to open my port?
Check this solution:


3 - Q: Some of my friends can see my server, some of them (sometimes) doesn't? How to can I fix them?
Check this solution:


4 - Q: I want to use different mods. How to can I open with my server with different modes?them?
Check this solution:


5 - Q: I started my server with a different mod. My friends can't join!?them?
Check this solution:


6 - Q: I want to use one of those called Native Compatible modes for administration purposes or maybe little bit extra stuff like NeoGK, Adimi etc. My friends need to download this modes too?
Check this solution:



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