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Rotation of Maps in Siege + Info about new changes

siege maps rotation maplist update

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    The Mongol

  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 6073 posts
  • LocationFlying around in space

New *script for Map's rotation in server *Thanks to KingArthur / 85+ maps all combined are in rotation - Each new rotation will be active for 15 days only


- How it works?

Siege server will be changing rotation of maps by auto since now,

taken between one of these 5 lists in consecutive order >>> (1-2-3-4-5 ...again 1-2-  ...and so):

  • Rotation 1 

  • Rotation 2 
  • Rotation 3
  • Rotation 4
  • Rotation 5 


- How to know which rotation is running actually?: take info about 2 last consecutive maps played (if you just joined to server can ask players) and check with the lists.




Have fun!!! :bienvenido:

  • Aeneu, Aratar, (300)Zawisza and 5 others like this



    The Mongol

  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 6073 posts
  • LocationFlying around in space

About Events in Siege server...


How random events works?

Enabled only for:

  • Der Process
  • Kyuto Castle < disabled from rotation
  • Grunniar Castle

A Round of Randomness:

  • The server will automatically start an event with random equip, for only 1 round for each map when it comes in rotation.
  • The event is automatic on these maps, so admins can't control it (don't complain them please). Btw if high admin is online maybe he change some armours and/or weapons to refresh it.
  • Those maps will be played this way instead of normal.


Aside this, admins can run normal events too if wish for these or other maps.

The event is not started if a manual event is enable. This way you (admins) can also play the map normally selecting default equip for the event.


Enjoy!!! :bienvenido:


ps: Thanks to KingArthur who made it possible ;)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: siege, maps, rotation, maplist, update

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