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Trimming the fat!

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  • High Admin
  • 341 posts

I have decided to remove some of the least liked maps on the Captains Battle server in order to optimize the player flow, if you have any input about that please post a message here with the map name and your feedback. The maps i have in mind at first are Broken Siege and Bosworth Field. If you like these maps however., please tell. Thanks. :coffee:

  • Aratar, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and Umbuz like this




  • Member
  • 11 posts
I just have to figure out what maps are these two you mentioned.
Personally i don't like much one of the old serie map, the small one with a spawn on a low hill and a couple of tents and the other near a narrow river, with a stone village and a wood fort at opposite corners, mainly because it's too small and 95% of matches are based on first spawn defense.
  • Iceqatius and ChinaJet like this

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