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class limit

class limit

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47 replies to this topic

Poll: class limit siege pls? (66 member(s) have cast votes)

class limit on siege?

  1. Class limit all the time (29 votes [43.94%])

    Percentage of vote: 43.94%

  2. Class limit gets activated, if 20 players on (9 votes [13.64%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.64%

  3. Class limit the way it is rn (gets activated, if 64 players are on) (28 votes [42.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 42.42%

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class limit

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you can enter more options like:


-changing the limit f.g 20%




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need least 50 positive votes for change

  • deformedgremlin likes this




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many siege players don't even know about the forum
50 is too many
  • (300)Zawisza and LordChromosom like this




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many siege players don't even know about the forum
50 is too many

thats true but then again having 10-20 people vote for the changes for the rest of 100 feels like presidental election in Belarus
So maybe there's another way to ensure that majority agrees. like through steam or in server?




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20 positive votes plus the overall verdict of the admin team is pretty enough to make a change imo



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50 people too many. If the players arent on the forums which is being advertised on the server they just surrender the right to vote imo. If they are only players they will continue to play wether this vote goes through or not, and if they have an issue after the change goes through, they will join the forums and ask for a revert.


Maybe like 25-30 but not 50

  • (300)Zawisza, Dacket, Aura* and 1 other like this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Class limit in DM when. 

  • deformedgremlin, LordChromosom and will graham like this



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Class limit in DM when. 


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I would vote for something like this:
20% archers for attackers
0% horsemen and 50% archers for defenders.
But it's not possible, probably



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I would vote for something like this:
20% archers for attackers
0% horsemen and 50% archers for defenders.
But it's not possible, probably

It is possible but completely unbalanced at the same time. If you were to put any limit to the classes you would have to balance it to the same percentage on both sides. Although I'm still negative about increasing the limits, just leave it like it is and let people play whatever class they want.
  • Joss and MoB_Griff like this



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It is possible but completely unbalanced at the same time. If you were to put any limit to the classes you would have to balance it to the same percentage on both sides.

Why same percentage, unbalanced? Siege is by default unbalanced: one team on walls and another under them.

What makes it more unbalanced is horses at defenders side: besides it's uncommon to use them while defending, the can distract 50% of attackers before even they get to the walls. Which gives huge advantage to defenders and usually happens when they already winning and it's boring to sit on walls.
And fuck, as attacker I want to take walls under arrows rain, not fucking fighting horses in plains.

About attacking archers: they usually useless in most cases. If you are not an archer it pushes you forward on enemies and flag. If you are archer - you have defending abilities which fucking useless for attackers



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Winning is based on the players on both teams, not the classes themselves. Trolls, pros, and siege machines. Speaking of machine users, Daenerys wasted 10 minutes hiding in the bottom sectiom of Minas Tirith yesterday, just so she can defend the final flag with a trebuchet and automatic ballista. She saved the day, even though she was "playing" for 5 minutes only.
  • Joss, MoB_Griff and Ayna like this



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It does not contradict with my statement.
Winning is based on many factors. Players is random factor. Map layouts, class limits, money factor - all these are not random and may be balanced.



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Clasd limits have great potential to further reduce the dwindling population of Mount&Siege. While personally I get annoyed by the amount of archers on enemy team from time to time, I still prefer that to not being able to play a class I enjoy playing. This would litteraly reduce the fun for many people at different times, also imagine some players who lack skill filling up the limit and costing the team victory while the others are eather forced to play a unwanted class, or more likely just leave the server.
Passing this, although it seems like it might, will bring no good to the server.



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How many times I left the server because my attack team had to many useless archers and I had melee alone against 2-3 enemies.



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It's pretty straight forward, people should be able to play in a style the want to. That shouldn't be affected by the fact someone else has faster Internet and loads quicker, or clicks faster.

P.S. You leaving the server is part of enjoyable gameplay.



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Make it balanced ;)

Defenders have a clear advantage defending walls, chokepoints etc etc. Only reasonable thing would be to balance the server. Its not like class limit isn't always there, this poll just wants it extended regardless of the amount of people there.

  • Dacket likes this



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It is crucial to let people know from time to time that there are too many players using certain class, NeoGK mod allows you to see it through aswell as unlocks many other functions within the servers.
I often notify my faction that we have 20 ranged characters and 10 infantrymen, just so the few players change their class, because they value the won round more than idiotic kd which says nothing about the player.

Back to the factors you mentioned, I personally think that the conditions provided in the servers are fair.
If the map layout is disturbing for you(I don't want to sound offensive now) you can always make some maps and introduce them to Aratar, but I believe it's unnecessary. While it's a pity elder maps are not in the que anymore(especially back from US GK Siege times), if the admin team or community manager of the server needed new maps they would ask for help in TaleWorlds forum or their trusted friends (I would personally suggest Dekkers, but he doesn't work for free).
-I disagree with class limit balance.
-1500-1800 gold is a lot considering competetive scene where
it's always a 1000. The reward could be raised slightly imo. but I don't really mind it staying the way it is right now.
  • MoB_Griff likes this



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siege server already does have limit, but it turns on only after 60 (might be a bit wrong) ppl joined the server
what kills the server and reduces population is absence of this limit when the server is 70% empty -- it's fully unplayable for attackers, therefore they don't stay for long and do leave the server seeking for more fun place, that leads to the fact that pop of the server reaches its peak (60-80 ppl) only in the evenings (deep night for some players)
  • Elary, Aura* and Kamby like this

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