Is it rare to see real and serious tactics on the CB server? Yes it is but when you do see them or play them it is beautiful and they do work sometimes. Even if the game options are limited in regards to formations, priorities and AI.
I have seen the tactics used in those videos on the server several times. Curiously more often when there are fewer people on the server (around 5vs5). Of course the most commonly used tactic in the game is the simple flanking manoeuvre where a cavalry unit (usually) strikes the side or the back of a enemy unit engaged in battle. But other tactics works also sometimes.
Might be interesting to see what would happen if there were two teams (clans with voice-comms) facing each other instead of the normal non communicating players. Could be a boring stalemate or a very interesting display of tactics and manoeuvring.
I agree that 5 vs 5 is perfect for tactics. Enough for variability and not enough for unrulable chaos
Though and battles with many players have seen some simple team tactics like 'full cav' or 'lets camp on that hill', usually in last rounds after several defeats 
I really enjoy it when both teams are good in tactics. It makes battle very exciting with many maneuvres, like false attacks, taking better positions, retreats, and of course chatting
. Special case is when i meet enemy cavalry who is not just charging or ramboing
From my experience, archers(all but nord) are the most team-dependent class, its rly awful to play them with trash team. Infantry sometimes needs cavalry to charge together, and cavalry may need protection from enemy cavalry.
Team tactics that i see in game:
Camping. Used by noobs, works against noobs. Best way to lose by flag or get draw instead of victory.
Defense on good position. Works nice if position is good enough
I said 'is', not 'was good minute ago' 
Defense and countercharge. Strong tactics, but very hard to organize for entire team. At least u can take cav and hide it behind defending teammates, thats it.
Mobile defense. Idea is if your position was ok but became bad, you... charge it! Its awesome but so rare!..
Defense with reserve. You defend, enemies are winning, but then reserved cavalry comes and turns the tide of battle! Was rare, but becomes popular.
And attacking ones:
Suicide charge. Old but gold tactics. Cavalry dies even faster than everyone spawns, archers meet enemy, do 2 shots and die, infantry lags behind and gets rekt by arrows and rambos.
Massive charge. Proper charge where you kill enemies before they got idea what to do.
Advance/Besieging. Like charge, but you mostly shoot from good position, find vulnerble places, kill lonely squads, and do maneuvres. Thats what we enjoy when there are many good players online.
Wave charge. Special case of besieging made by cavalry. You waste some squads, wave after wave, enemies lose commanders and order, and you finish them with final strike. Also gaining popularity.
Waiting flag. Option when you see no way to attack and win. Unreal with 10+ players in team.
And the special one.
Delaying. Hated by everyone but me
It is believed to be used only for trolling, but really to win next round.