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TrollGame Community still needs your help

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Dear TrollGame Community,  this year we are celebrating 9 years online. Here you can see the first snapshot of the community and how it was in the beginning  :)


Next year should become anniversary for us. I would like to thank all our members and especially our team - the people who do what they do because they love this game and this community.


Unfortunately, the situation in last years has changed and I cannot afford to pay the servers and other important things by myself. That's why a year ago new support campaign has been started.

Those time we've got a very good support from some of our members,  but today it comes to its end and we need some support again to continue being: if you like this server and want to help,

you can donate something using our Buymeacoffee account


If you have some proposals with fresh ideas you can write me a PM too  :) 


Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/trollgame


Updated 22.11.21:


I agree with @yrod in many things, so let's make this part more transparent.


1. Visibility - some of the staffers has already added the announcement to the community header. Also we'll update the information in-game and on the main page of the project.


2. Transparency - on this moment we need at least 80 euro / month just to pay for the servers. This is the minimum which we have to pay monthly to make project live. Since 2011 and up to 2020 I've been paying these needs mostly by myself, because I like the project and could afford it. Some people supported us time to time and I really appreciate them for it.


Since 2020 the situation has changed, and then I've asked for the help seriously for the first time. Thanks to some of the our members, who supported us last and this year. But on this moment we are almost empty, and have enough money only for ~ 1.5-2 months more. That's the reason why I've updated the topic and asked for a help.


I think the Community has enough of loyal people who could support us.


I think I've answered most of the money-related things above. What else? I've described the basic needs, without them the Community cannot work. But the more support we have, than more things we could make.


And the first thing which we planned long time ago is the forum update. This forum engine is very old and it would be great to update it with its modern version. To do that, we have to buy a new license which costs $350-500 depending on amount of features.


Also we could think about further improvements if had more resources.


3. I've registered a support page on the service "Buy me a coffee": 


This service provides more convenient way for donations, including Visa/Mastercard, and allows subscriptions, which would help us a lot. 

There is a goal counter on this page, which is empty now.


4. Benefits for donators:


- Forum status. Yeah, I agree about that. It is already exists and some of our members have it. If you already helped us and wanna the badge, just pm me and tell your acc.

- Vote in-game and unique staff in-game:  Requires a lot of programming. Very complex stuff. Also it conflicts with Taleworld policy, which doesn't allow to get money for in-game staff or get some advantages over other players for money. We can only ask for donations of your good will.

- Mugs and T-shirts -  I thought about that, but think it makes no sense for us. To make it work we need to make really large amount of pre-orders (e.g.  10-20 thousands). Because the more pre-orders we have, than less the price from the distributor.

  • Strawberry, ZeArcher, Aratar and 16 others like this



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Hi, thank  you for keeping TrollGame alive!
I have some ideas, how to increase user's interest in supporting the server:

  1. Visibility
    After pushed out from "Recent Topics" this Topic is invisible for majority. Maybe Support info should be in more visible places? At forum and in troll-game.org/ main page. Btw "Support Us" button is there, but try to click it and see "Sorry, we couldn't find that!". Another good place - is server announcements. Once or two times per map would be sufficient, I think. 
  2. Transparency
    It would be great to have next information
    a) what is the goal of support campaign
    b.) what is the current state of campaign
    c) who and how much donated (if they don't decide be anonymous)
    d) on what this money will be spent
  3. Payment methods: would be convenient to have Visa/Mastercard as well.
  4. Benefits for donators: 
    Some of them are easy to implement, some just good thought (i believe):
    a) forum status or membership in some group for donators: for someone would be good to know that their donations are appreciated. And in forum holly wars it may give some weight to supporters.
    Next are close to unreal, but:
    b.) donator vote in games polls might have weight of 2 or more  :)
    c) some unique staff to buy in game, something that does not impact game mechanics, just for appearance. 
    d) TrollGame mugs and T-shirts :wub:

Maybe some services exist for 2 and 3 and it should be not a big problem.

  • LizardWizard, MoB_Griff, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and 4 others like this



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d) on what this money will be spent



mans needs his new gaming chair

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mans needs his new gaming chair


ples shut up sasqusch sasy

Mr_H is my one and only  :wub:  :wub:  :D  :D





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It would be better to give the community some mercy and just kill it right now.

  • Sir_Bogsalot and Mrakomor like this

His Lordship, Ramun, approves of the above.



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It would be better to give the community some mercy and just kill it right now.


How's that mercy?




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Added new support method and more information for transparency.

  • Strawberry, Saddoveanu, yrod and 3 others like this




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Shame about the server. If only there had been someone willing to donate a lot of money, right? And had the admins and owners not been complete plonkers maybe they would have accepted that donation.



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Don't worry server lives on as the community is supporting it who ever and however they can, got us through 2 months already.
  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight likes this




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Shame about the server. If only there had been someone willing to donate a lot of money, right? And had the admins and owners not been complete plonkers maybe they would have accepted that donation.

Well Clint, we made the choice not to knowingly accept your donation.


We are fully aware that we could condemn TrollGame to oblivion, but that's OK. Everything dies and fades away eventually... Maybe it is TG:s time to soon check out. And if that is the case we do so with the knowledge that we did not sell out, that we did not take the 30 pieces of silver to betray the trust of all the admins and players that have interacted and played here over the years.

Had we believed that you somehow had changed and that the offer was sincere and honest, then for the good of the community we might have accepted. But you have repeatedly shown yourself to be toxic and untrustworthy.

So we will take our chances and roll the dice once again. If fate smiles, so be it. If not..well we had a good run. :hey:

  • Dacket, MoB_Griff, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and 3 others like this




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Well Clint, we made the choice not to knowingly accept your donation.


We are fully aware that we could condemn TrollGame to oblivion, but that's OK. Everything dies and fades away eventually... Maybe it is TG:s time to soon check out. And if that is the case we do so with the knowledge that we did not sell out, that We did not take the 30 pieces of silver to betray the trust of all the admins and players that have interacted and played here over the years.

Had we believed that you somehow had changed and that the offer was sincere and honest, then for the good of the community we might have accepted. But you have repeatedly shown yourself to be toxic and untrustworthy.

So we will take our chances and roll the dice once again. If fate smiles, so be it. If not..well we had a good run. :hey:


Had I not known any better I would try to convince you that the admins have set me up, but I know for a fact that you are in on it as well so I won't waste my breath.


If it weren't for the toxicity of the admins I would have donated £500 and then offered you another £500 after giving me a chance. If it hadn't worked out then that would be too bad, but I wouldn't demand a refund and just accept it. But since I expected you to be untrustworthy and lie about me to Wallace I requested the ban to be lifted first.

(It wouldn't matter to me much anyway since it would only be £500. It is more about the fact that you wouldn't get the money that mattered to me.)


So here we are. You have turned me down to achieve... something? I suppose?

Because I can still play the game, remember? All of these multi accounts? I sometimes play on the servers but you don't seem to even realise that. And because I don't break the rules you can't really go through the people that you have banned recently and make any guesses as to which of them are mine since I don't ever get any warnings, kicks, bans, etc.


But yeah, why take me up on a life-saving offer when you can be a dozy plonker. A key that was originally purchased for just 20PLN (less than £4) which has no value to you could have been "sold" back to me for £1,000 and keep the server alive for another year and a half, and then in the future maybe for even longer if I still hanged about here.



I bow before your 300 IQ and wish you luck because you are going to need it.

I don't think another stroke of luck in the form of Peche will come about again this time. I mean it actually did - in the form of me - but you, in your infinite wisdom, rejected my offer and decided to roll the dice again like absolute dipsticks you are.


Whatever. I am not as active on the servers as I once used to anyway. + Bannerlord singleplayer is kind of more fun anyway.




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Well Clint, we made the choice not to knowingly accept your donation.


We are fully aware that we could condemn TrollGame to oblivion, but that's OK. Everything dies and fades away eventually... Maybe it is TG:s time to soon check out. And if that is the case we do so with the knowledge that we did not sell out, that We did not take the 30 pieces of silver to betray the trust of all the admins and players that have interacted and played here over the years.

Had we believed that you somehow had changed and that the offer was sincere and honest, then for the good of the community we might have accepted. But you have repeatedly shown yourself to be toxic and untrustworthy.

So we will take our chances and roll the dice once again. If fate smiles, so be it. If not..well we had a good run. :hey:


I mean think about it this way:


Situation nr.1

You give me an unban, I give you a lot of money. I behave. I continue to play the game. You keep the money.


Situation nr.2

You give me an unban, I give you a lot of money. I misbehave. I get banned. You keep the money.


Situation nr.3

You do not give me an unban. I do not give you any money. I behave. I continue to play the game. You do not keep any money.


Situation nr.4

You do not give me an unban. I do not give you any money. I misbehave. I continue to play the game. You do not keep any money.


(In situation 4 I don't get banned because you almost never ban people no matter how much trolling and harm they cause. The videos that I recorded a year ago prove it. None of the trolls have been banned as of yet, despite the fact they caused more damage than I have ever caused myself. You would only ban me if you were certain it is ME, and you would not have that as I never use the chat.)




Even if you honestly believe that I would break the rules (which I wouldn't) then it doesn't really matter since I will use alt-accounts to circumvent any bans you will hand me over anyway. Might as well take all the money to compensate yourself for the trouble of selecting my name in-game and pressing a "Permanent Ban" button.

And if by some miracle I do indeed behave? Well, then you have potentially secured yourself someone that will feel obligated to compensate you for all the trouble he has caused by paying the bills and thus take the weight off your shoulders.



But I suppose it is like with alcoholics or drug addicts; you cannot help them if they don't want your help and would rather pretend that they are all right.

If you want to be like them then that is your choice and I can't force you to accept my offer.

I can still tell you that you are a bunch of wallys for rejecting it, though.

  • will graham likes this



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The community has built it self up, admins have become way more reliable, the players have gathered to support the servers ourselves.

We have no need for relics of past such as yourself, be gone.
  • (300)Zawisza, Elary, Dacket and 5 others like this




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That is a bit tiresome, there is no conspiracy to 'get you' Clint. Your own behaviour is the reason you were banned in the beginning. That same behaviour is the reason you have remained banned and why we declined your offer to sponsor this place.

Which begs the question..Why would you want to sponsor a place that in your opinion has mistreated you? That does not make any sense. In fact, why are you still here?


If you actually felt sorry for all that you did, you would have made a small contribution with a apology attached and moved on with your life. Instead you are here creating more drama. Why is that?

  • MoB_Griff, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and Lorgia like this



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SHAZAM!! Iceqatius shines like a finely exquisite uncut diamond here!!!

My Youtube Channel of TG Warband Content:



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Can you create a popping link in the tg arena server aswell? Like the one that says to players that they can go to TG arena forums if they need something.. looks like there is still like 40 players in rush hour and they might have no idea about the problem Tg arena has..

  • yrod, BamBam and MoB_Griff like this



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better to move your servers to   m&b 2 bannerlord

i will donate if you do this 



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better to move your servers to   m&b 2 bannerlord

i will donate if you do this 





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Dear TG Community. Some time has passed since we've started the Campaign, so I would like to tell you about the results and share my thoughts.


At first I would like to say thank you to all people who supported us.  Without your help the server and community couldn't survive.


If you supported us and didn't get community badge yet, pls pm me  ;)


Also I would like to thank our team: they've made a lot of efforts to keep the server independent and live.


We've received several one-time supports with Paypal and BuyMeCoffee services + we've reached 75% of the subscription campaign.


On the moment it doesn't cover all the minimum things we needed, but we've got enough resources for minimum 3 additional months.


Despite we didn't reach our goal yet, I think we've achieved great results, our community has a future and our campaign will be successful at the end.

But we still have a lot of work further and still need your help: we' re just at the beginning of the way.


The more support we get from our members, than more availabilities are opened to us to make the game better. For example, we could buy better DDOS protection, or make some budget for forcing new maps etc.  



better to move your servers to   m&b 2 bannerlord

i will donate if you do this 



It's not possible on the moment - this feature it's not ready yet. All of us are waiting for that since 2012, so as soon as it will become available, we'll do that  :)

(Probably we could expect it from Tale Worlds at end of 2022 - 2023)

  • (300)Zawisza, Elary, Dacket and 6 others like this




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Hear ye, noble warriors of the Trollgame,
For over a decade, we have ridden side by side, through wars and triumphs, forging alliances, defending our strongholds, and capturing enemy castles. Our server has been the grand arena where we've spilled blood, sweat, and tears, battling valiantly on our steeds. It's been a realm of honor, camaraderie, and unyielding spirit.
Alas, dark clouds gather on the horizon. Our coffers, which have funded our grand battles and majestic feasts, are depleting. I must, with a heavy heart, lay bare the stark truth of our realm's fate. Without the gold from our generous patrons, the gates of our beloved server may be forced to close by the dawn of 2024.
To Arms, Brave Souls!: If you can, please consider donating. Every bit helps to keep our battles alive and our community strong.
Join the Rulers: If you're interested in becoming a partner and sharing the responsibility of our server, or if you have other proposals to ensure our realm thrives, I invite you to send me a private message here on the community forum. Together, we can decide the future and keep our world alive.
Share Your Ideas: Your counsel and strategies are invaluable. If you have suggestions to help or innovative ways to support our server's existence, please step forth and speak up. Again, you can reach out to me directly through a private message on the forum. Every voice matters.
So, to all our brave knights and noble warriors, let's come together. Let's make sure our battles, our friendships, and our stories continue for many more years.
Thank you for being part of our journey.
With respect,

  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight, deformedgremlin, svyatogor and 3 others like this

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