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New additions on the Arena server

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First we have Lag Queens map Slenders Forest which have been updated with a lot of new stuff including a portal door between the house and the camp for quick and deadly access.






Then we have a old arena map made by Adorno for singleplayer, namely Wercheg Arena. This map is smaller then arena but bigger then Looters Lute. Update includes a healing area, portal doors and a few other stuff.






  • Aeneu, Saddoveanu and yrod like this




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Another batch of arena maps have been added to the server. Barossa by Krou, Virgin Island by Veledentella (edited), Turin is Fallen by TrollGame Admins and a simple Arena Variation from me.

  • Dacket, Aura* and Marcel like this




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The latest maps to arrive on the server has been Fish Market and Medieval Room by n00b. Enjoy!

  • Aeneu, Dacket, Dusan and 2 others like this




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Some new maps have arrived on the Arena server! Ancient Temple and Desert Arena* by n00b and Biskupin* by Krou. Enjoy!


* Being tested.



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watch ur steps




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Helgen by Fotis has returned to the rotation list after some updates and optimizations. It sits right between Middley Medley and Sunny Town on the list. Enjoy!

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Why did you make a stupid map that auto-kills cav?? That is saltiest thing anyone could do man. Just because you can't get enough kills, you have to go and auto-kill cav. This is why people are leaving TG-Arena because it has become a sess pit. It used to be a free for all area where everyone was equal. Now these maps do not allow that. Please revert back to how TG-Arena used to be in the good old days. No auto-kill cav just because you are salty. Thank you.



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  1. You are the one being salty, just dismount and fight them. If they ''cant't make enough kills'' you will rekt them without a drop of sweat my guy :D
  2. Fotis made the map that way because he wanted to, you can make a map yourself and if it passes the tests it will most likely get into the rotation.
  3. No, people don't leave our community because they dislike a map or because they can't kill you harry the mighty cavalryman of arena, they mostly leave when they see somebody like you shouting nonsense while they're trying to have a gaming session. Skipping the fact that warband is a pretty old game for it's community.
  4. No. We won't ''revert'' it(even if we could smh) Get over it, there is plenty maps you can farm kills as cavalry to boost your ego anyway, so I don't really get what you mean with the decay of FFA where everyone is equal. It's literally a public DM server. You can team up in the middle and have a chat, you can slash everyone with your greatsword, or you can place barricades around and play anti-cav to annoy boring cavalry players. It's a free for all after all :]

  • Iceqatius, Poppy and Matyish like this



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It's the best answer ,i can imagine ?

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