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Something for long time desired... or a "HELLO... and goodbye"

BlackDeath absence notice

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    The Mongol

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 ...I´m crying just now as I write...
Well, it's been a while to gather strength (and a number of other "elements") to be able to respond, but finally here I am dear friends...
This message is for the Whole Community... 
and "Especially" for all those who have gone through moments of uneasiness in my long absence:
 HELLO!!! ... (this is a "hello" but comes with a "new goodbye"... I'm sorry and I'll explain it later).
 Yes comrades, sadly for everyone and for me too, I will not return... for the bad of many (and to the joy of the "cheaters" of always).
 For me, all the time spent dedicated to/by/in/for the Community, has been amazing and the reason for great moments and memories, and they will remain with me forever.
The reason why I left everything so suddenly and abruptly, was an accumulation of circumstances in my private life that forced me to do so (forgive me but I will not go into details).
 Personally, I am (and have been from the first moment) perfectly healthy (thank you), but relatives around me were in serious health, and it has been the main reason why I set aside many things from my daily routine.
Currently the problems are over and everything is fine, and I hope to be able to say the same thing for a long time, but unfortunately, I am not in full mood to return to resume everything again for a long time ... but... Who knows?  :hmm:  In addition, I have forgotten a lot of things with which I had been doing my work (even it has taken me a while to find the access password as an administrator )
 I would like to thank, in particular, all those who have taken a sincere interest in my state in general, but also the Whole Community, and to all those who helped me selflessly in my work... I'm not going to name you (you are many :P ) but you know who you are:
"THANK YOU from the heart :wub: and a big hug (virtual)  :hey:  :blackie: "
PS: Regarding my position in the administration, I hope (and wish) that someone qualified enough for it has been able to fill my position, but, if it is still vacant, I know that there were (and I imagine there still will be) good candidates around, so do not wait any longer and...
... Good luck with it!!!
See You Forever, Friends and Comrades!!!  :la_muerte:  ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!!  :bienvenido:
...And Please teach this message to everyone... Thanks.
...Ahora mismo estoy entre lagrimas mientras escribo...
Bueno, he tardado en reunir fuerzas (y otra serie de "elementos") para poder responder, pero finalmente aquí estoy amigos...
Este mensaje es para toda la Comunidad...
y "Especialmente" para todos aquellos que ha pasado por momentos de inquietud ante mi larga ausencia:
 HOLA!!!...(esto es un "hola" pero viene con un "nuevo adios"...lo siento y más adelante lo explico).
 Sí compañeros, tristemente para todos y para mi también, no volveré...para mal de muchos (y para alegría de los "tramposos" de siempre).
 Para mi, todo el tiempo pasado dedicado a/por/en/para la Comunidad, ha sido increíble y motivo de grandes momentos y recuerdos, y permanecerán conmigo para siempre.
 El motivo por el cual dejé todo tan repentina y bruscamente, fué un cúmulo de circunstancias en mi vida privada que me obligaron a ello (perdonadme pero no voy a entrar en detalles).
 Personalmente, estoy y he estado desde el primer momento perfectamente sano (gracias), pero familiares a mi alrededor estuvieron en grave estado de salud, y ha sido el principal motivo de que apartara a un lado bastantes cosas de mi rutina diaria.
 Actualmente los problemas han terminado y todo está bien, y espero poder decir lo mismo por mucho tiempo, pero por desgracia, no me encuentro en pleno estado de ánimo para volver a retomar todo de nuevo por mucho tiempo...pero...quién sabe?   :hmm:   Además que he olvidado gran parte de cosas con las que venía efectuando mi trabajo (incluso me ha llevado un tiempo encontrar la contraseña de acceso como administrador )
 Quiero dar las gracias, principalmente a todos aquéllos que han tenido un sincero interés por mi estado en general, pero también a toda la Comunidad, y a todos aquellos que me ayudaron desinteresadamente en mi trabajo...no voy a nombraros (sois muchos   :P ) pero sabéis quienes sois:
 "GRACIAS de corazón   :wub:  y un fuerte abrazo (virtual)   :hey:  :blackie: "
Pd: Con respecto a mi cargo en la administración, espero (y deseo) que alguien lo bastante cualificado para ello haya podido ocupar mi puesto, pero, si aún está vacante, se que habían (e imagino que aún habrán) buenos candidatos alrededor, asi que no esperéis más y...
...Buena suerte con ello!!!
Hasta siempre, amigos y compañeros!!!   :la_muerte:  DISFRUTAD LA VIDA!!!   :bienvenido:
...Y Por favor, enseñad éste mensaje a todos...grácias.

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    The Mongol

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I forgot... :crazy:

I think... that I won't reply you later here...so sorry (don't waste time to answer...and don't worry about it... I LOVE YOU ALL   :wub: :wub:  :wub:  )


I can imagine your "answers", for better and/or for worse... :P  :D  :rolleyes:


Bye again  :bienvenido:

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:banane:  :baby: Goodbye, BlackDeath! All the best for you!!!  :baby:  :banane:

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Только лютый хардбасс



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It's a joy to finally see those stupid "death" assessments beaten down.
It's been a while since last I saw you, I wish all the best, thank you for coming back to adress the community !
You can rest easy as the community yet lives, as it should !
Farewell !



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It's a joy to finally see those stupid "death" assessments beaten down.
It's been a while since last I saw you, I wish all the best, thank you for coming back to adress the community !
You can rest easy as the community yet lives, as it should !
Farewell !


The prison hypothesis still remains relevant though. Also there is a third hypothesis that "henchman is blackdeath".



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No need to cry over spilled milk that has already gone sour.

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His Lordship, Ramun, approves of the above.



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    The Mongol

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...Never say goodbye...still :P

Last one for you all B) :rolleyes:


Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think

Hello, I'm Terry
And I'm going to enjoy myself first

It's good to be wise when you're young
'Cos you can only be young but the once
Enjoy yourself and have lots of fun
So glad and live life longer than you've ever done

Never right, yes I know
Get wisdom, knowledge and understanding
These three, were given free by the maker
Go to school, learn the rules, don't be no faker
It's not wise for you to be a foot stool
Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think

Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think

Enjoy yourself. Don't be a fool! :bienvenido:

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    Furor Anatolicus

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I know you don't want replies but It's been empty around here without you old friend. Glad to see you and your loved ones are okay :)

Many here missed you and still do. It would be very nice to still have you with us from time to time, and I understand if you can't.


Goodbye and farewell BD  :blackdeath:  :bienvenido:

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Thank you Blackdeath for this gift, that's what we all wanted to know, that you were well.

It's sad this goodbye, but nothing lasts forever and often in life events happen that push us to other shores even against our will.

What remains are the years we spent together, almost every day, sharing unique moments in this pirate bay as a band of brothers, memories that will never be removed from our hearts and each of us will be able to say proudly, when the curtain falls over here, hopefully many years from now: I am a Trollgamer.






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    TG's BannerLady

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About time, BlackDeath! :blackdeath:


Your previous message left us hanging and you being mysterious as ever, we started making up all kind of scenarios, started to worry.

Thank you for letting us know you are in good health and i'm glad the problems were sorted out. 


I'd like to take this opportunity and let you to know i appreciate and respect your efforts with the community. You are irreplaceable and i'm sure many share my thoughts on this matter. Until you were gone, we never knew how much you had on your plate. But you managed to do it all and make it look like it was nothing.  :la_muerte:

Thank you for all wonderful memories and experiences.  :bienvenido:


As you used to tell us many times, never say good-bye.


Btw, no matter what we do, there are some forces that drag us all back here. You are not allowed to escape either.

Wish you the best :P

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Thank you for all, BlackDeath. I'll always remember old funny times. I'm happy and sad at the same time. See you soon, viejo amigo. We will miss you a lot.



  :blackdeath:  :(  :(

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Dear BlackDeath, you were and will be greatly missed; this place could not have thrived without such a dedicated admin. Your time and effort made this possible for us all to enjoy these servers for many years; thank you for taking the time to let us know things are well, so we can stop speculating about what happened, and for us to take the opportunity - even though you might not read this - to say just how much we appreciate what you did.


Thank you for everything, enjoy your life and take care !

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In memory of Blackdeath and knowledge that this fine spanish gentleman is still around. ;)

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My spaniard comrade papito, I am speechless after reading this transcendental and so full of affection message, so i will only say one thing: somewhere deep down in my heart... i still love you nigga_heart.png

Please eat a lot of "espetos" aka "roasted sardines from Málaga" for me, eating roasted sardines has never been the same since you left.


Anyway, all that matters now is that your family is fine and healthy.

I'm sorry I got some sand in my eye.


  • Aratar, Joss, WingedSquirrel and 3 others like this


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