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2nd TrollGame Deathmatch Championship

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  After our first deathmatch championship, the second one is going to take place on October 30th at 19.00 CET, on the **TG_Arena** server. 
   The event will take place over 2 maps and 20 minutes for each map. All players who are present on the server will take part in it with no requirements. The player who gets the most kills during the event will be named as the new Champion of the Arena. 
 First map will be Sandi Boush with the factions of Swadia and Nords
 Second map will be The Arena with the factions of Swadia and Vaegirs.
 Cavalry class will be disabled during the event this time. Other than that, all rules are the same as before. Welcome for all.
 Previous TrollGame Deathmatch Championship: https://community.tr...h-championship/

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neither map is watch ur step. dissapointing

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Thanks to all who participated and big apologies for the mistake with the hours. Congratulations to all competitors and our new Arena Champion Butze


Here is the leaderboard of the top 5 from yesterday:


1-Butze, 210/87
2-Krou, 191/85
3-n00b, 190/63
4-Jew, 175/66
5-Hisoka, 136/29
You can leave your feedback and new ideas here. The next Championship will take place in 2 months with your feedback.




Edited by npc17, 31 October 2022 - 02:09 PM.

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