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a fix for ramboing

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so as any of you who ever played a cpt battle know that

player controlled cavalry destroy all the bots and frankly anything. people even leave their cavalry somewhere far away so that players can respawn as a part of their unit.

it almost does not matter how many troops a winning side has. if a losing side ends up with cavalry its almost certainly decided. players respawn as cav and keep poking the bots until only players are left or the round ends.

cavalry players also have no fears about fighting on their own against a whole army with the sole purpose of assassinating a captain because guess what. they will respawn as cav and continue doing careless stuff

i speak from experience since i use that tactic regularly and it really yields many kills. no brains no tactics just go and kill bots on ur pony and maybe leave that cav unit at the corner of a map


a simple fix for that is just not to let players respawn as cav. done


risky players would still have the ability to try to assassinate the captains but it would be way riskier and more punishing. more reason to employ different combined arms tactics actually using ur unit rather than killing tens of bots alone on ur pony

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lol nobody cares ok



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Hello. It sounds like a good idea. It will be discussed among admins. Thanks for your suggestion.



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Mr_H is my one and only  :wub:  :wub:  :D  :D



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