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Anti LH-clan Resistance Movement

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For quite a long time, the server territory has been consistently dominated by a clan called LH (the definition of abbreviations is being clarified). This clan receives almost dictatorial powers, which actually led to a state of tyranny of the LH. The biggest problem that clan members falsely turn a blind eye to is teaeming.
Thus, they unite into a single organized crime group and keep the entire server at bay! There are many facts of mass extermination of the non-lh.
I am authorized to write on behalf of the nascent resistance that this time will pass.
Join The Anti LH-clan Resistance Movement!
To implement mass strategies and tactical counter-offensive operations, it is necessary to rally around a simple anti-clan. The following structure is proposed:
1)lack of clan tag (down with the tyranny of LH)
2) a ban on attacking a friend (this is not teaeaming, this is anti-teaeaeaming)
3) to identify allies, you can write in the chat smth like "DEATH TO LH!"
This will create a situation of asymmetrical war, the LH will not know who to hit and where to expect an attack from (Psychological warfare)

Below I have attached evidence of LH’s atrocities and photos of players’ dissatisfaction with the clan’s actions


Attached Files

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ever heard of screenshot?


how high are you when making this post?


what is the point of this post?


0/10 bad bait reported and deported.

  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight, Iceqatius, PlA_NEVV_ER_1337nabdstrer and 2 others like this

Mr_H is my one and only  :wub:  :wub:  :D  :D





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lol nice screenshots

  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight, PlA_NEVV_ER_1337nabdstrer and ImSorry like this




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for the deformebgrem1in.
I not on1y heard the screenshots, I saw them.
I 1ive on the 10th f1oor.
You need to read the contents of the text and photos to understand the essence of the post.
I don't 1ike your face 

  • Chambermaid likes this



    Night's Guardian

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for the deformebgrem1in.
I not on1y heard the screenshots, I saw them.
I 1ive on the 10th f1oor.
You need to read the contents of the text and photos to understand the essence of the post.
I don't 1ike your face 


He's deformed...What do you expect!?

  • deformedgremlin, PlA_NEVV_ER_1337nabdstrer, npc17 and 1 other like this
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:blackdeath:  :pistol:  :omen:

  • PlA_NEVV_ER_1337nabdstrer likes this

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