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How to donate!

TrollGame Donations

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  • High Admin
  • 341 posts

Here you can support the server with a small contribution that will go fully to the upkeep of the main server hosting our Mount & Blade Warband servers and the homepage.

To donate to the servers go to:




Buymeacoffee.com supports all major credit and debit cards like Visa and MasterCard. They also support Apple Pay and Google Pay, as well as local payment methods such as UPI.


If you don't want to use your own personal card for this you can buy a prepaid card and do the payment from that. Many stores and kiosks have them. If you want to donate some other way, please contact William__Wallace either here via pm or via dm on our discord https://discord.gg/qaFUWAU


Thank you all! :hey:

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