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Unlimited Catapult shots

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   can number of stones in catapult be changed from 20 to unlimited or 100, currently when you play on some maps that contains catapult if you manage to get catapult on right spot you almost instantly get out of ammo and there is not enough time to get it again to start firing (map time). 

Also changing system of power to similiar as in balista if possible but just to mention.



BTW. How much dollars you take to get AWESOME SPEAR IN KIT?



Kurchina best Cock in Mid Eastern Europe




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   can number of stones in catapult be changed from 20 to unlimited or 100, currently when you play on some maps that contains catapult if you manage to get catapult on right spot you almost instantly get out of ammo and there is not enough time to get it again to start firing (map time). 

Also changing system of power to similiar as in balista if possible but just to mention.



BTW. How much dollars you take to get AWESOME SPEAR IN KIT?



Kurchina best Cock in Mid Eastern Europe


First of all, the AWESOME SPEAR is to AWESOME to be given to any one faction. So that will not happen, besides it is a treasure weapon that can be found in either coop chests or in wooden treasure chests along with other nice stuff.


As for altering the ammo count on the catapult for the arena server, that is possible. Never really thought about that.






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Glad to see the changes, making the ballon and catapult muh more fun.


+ for making us happy

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