TrollGame Rules
- for Siege, Captains Battle, Arena, Duel and Invasion Servers & Forum applied -
The rules are introduced to create comfortable and constructive atmosphere of communication.
If the established form of communication doesn't suit you, then abstain from participation in this Community.
It is important that you know all rules, you will find these especially useful to know.
They're very important, and it would be very unfortunate if you made a few honest mistakes and lost some privileges because of it.
Thanks for taking your time to read these. Rules are there for a reason and they must be followed, they're for benefit of all.
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Summary of Rules for younger "minds" Must Read!!! >>>
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Server Rules
0. Addon to Rules
Still you could get Kick/Ban/Perm Ban, even if this is not included here in rules:
1. Common Courtesy
This should sum up anything from *excessive verbal harassment* to other players like rudeness, spam, toxicity, annoying behaviour,flaming, recruiting other players to harass a particular player or group of players, making fun of a serious situation of players( death or illness of a close realative, self harm, suicide, pedophilia, rape, etc.).
We put great emphasis on the word "excessive", quarrels in heat of the moment will be disputed amongst the players in question. The admin will intervene only if the situation escalates.
Be kind to others and think before you type. There is no need to be hurtful or abusive to others.
- Warning
- Kick
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 7 days
- Permanent ban
- Forum/Discord restrictions
2. Do Not Insult Admins/Moderators
No player should be subject to insults and abuse, thus, neither administrators deserve to be disrespected. Administrators are players who volunteered their time to solve the server issues, they are the ones who keep the server in peace and clean from rulebreakers.
If you think that an administrator is not doing their job properly then you have all rights to report him to high admins via private message, and discuss it.
By insulting admins, provoking them or recruiting players to do this, you will be punished accordingly.
This can be applied on forums as well.
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 15 days
- Permanent ban in server/s
- Forum restrictions
- Member banned
3. Do Not Use Hacks or Cheats
Don't use hacks or cheats, such as autoblock, wallhack or any available cheats.
- Permanent ban in all servers (forever, without warns)
4. Do Not Advertise and Do Not Share Hacks/Cheats/Cracks
Don't advertise other servers via this community.
Don’t share hacks (cheats,exploits etc) or knowledge of hacks with others in any way (forum, server chat, social networks, etc). Don't use forums/chat/etc.. for anything related with pirate game or crack. We are Legit Mount&Blade Warband Community, so if you don't accept this fact, there is nothing we can do for you...
A simple word can be turned into thought, a thought into idea, an idea into plan and plan into action.
It can become troublesome and if you do so you will have to suffer the consequences.
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 1 year
- Permanent ban
- Forum/Discord restrictions
- Member banned
5. Do Not Abuse Exploits/Glitch
There are many exploits in-game, such as voice spam, abuse of glitches, fast building, fast crouching and so on. Using bug in chat to impersonate and/or insult other players on the server can get you banned if the behavior is continuously done and abusive towards others.
About glitching on any TG server, it isn't allowed in normal circumstances. TG Arena server isn’t as strict with the rules as in other servers but is good to know:
-For Arena: you can glitch to explore the maps but using glitch to kill others is strictly forbidden. ( you cannot use glitch to gain unfair advantage in combat; e.g if 2 players are in the same wall they glitched through, there is no advantage)
-For Team based servers (Siege, Cpt. Battle, Battle, Invasion): hitting swings or ranged ammo through doors/gates with holes or visibility from both sides is allowed. Any other use of glitch to go "into" protected enemy places or to get the flag (glitch in walls, objects, etc.), is forbidden.
Glitching or trolling in team-based game mods will ruin the experience for everyone.
- Kick without Warn
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 5 days
- Permanent ban
6. Annoying behaviour (updated)
Annoying other players in general (kicking/killing/attacking your own team on purpose, stepping on ladders preventing them from raising it, destroying your own siege weapons or gate/doors, etc.). Anything that can be considered sabotage on purpose towards your team will be enforced through this rule.
Spamming the chat in all manners(chat spamm, map poll spamm or kick poll spam) is also forbidden. Players are not allowed to rejoin the server to reset their polling options.
Provoking players to break the rules will be considered for punishments as well. If a player uses rule breaking means to annoy you, don’t retaliate with the same action. Instead of doing this, it’s in your benefit if you report what happened to an admin.
Continuously doing so will have the following consequences:
- Warning
- Kick without Warn
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 7 days
- Permanent ban
7. Do Not Copy/Steal Nickname
Don't use someone else's nickname. There is no need to pretend that you're somebody else. Doing this will not affect just the player you steal the nickname from but yourself as well. We can make public what other nicknames you have used as well.
- Warning/Kick without Warn
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 2 days
- Permanent ban
- Forum/Discord restrictions
8. Do Not Use Actual/Official Clan Tag Names If You're Not In A Clan (updated)
Title says it all, If you're not in a clan then don't put a actual/official clan tag (with same characters) between your nickname, you need a permission for something like that.
Also, spoofing clan's tag in a toxic way (even if it isn't at 100% same characters, but almost) maybe punished. This just negatively affect our Community and it also undermines our work on it/servers with clans. This intention is seen as "trying to impersonate other clans and pick up a negative reaction to them".
Clans leaders are required to register their clan and post an updated list of members on this forum in order for this rule to be applied.
- Warning/Kick without Warn
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 2 days
- Permanent ban
- Forum/Discord restrictions
9. Do Not Avoid Ban
If you get banned for a period of time by an administrator for ex. a week and you use other means to come back (new key...) in that period of time, it will result in permanent ban in all servers. You must post an unban appeal when you get banned instead of evading the ban. Evading will only make your situation worse.
Following this perm ban, player's account on forum will be moved to "Community Waste" group, and if player continues then it'l be moved to "Member Next to Ban", that will be a last chance for player to change the behaviour and ask for apologies, before his account gets completely banished.
This rule includes the temp ban and the autobans as well.
The purpose of bans, is to give the players some time to think about what they have done. Avoiding the ban defies this purpose.
- Double the punishment on the *main key(first key)*
- Permanent ban for the *current key* (forever)
- Forum/Discord restrictions
- Member banned
10. Don't falsely accuse
This rule was added to discourage players from falsely accusing others for reasons unrelated with the greater good of the server(personal reasons, revenge, etc.). If you suspect someone, and there is no admin around, take any sort of proof ( screen shots, videos, name of the player, date and time) and either make a forum post or contact an admin. If later is found you have accused someone with no proof and ulterior motive, causing a scene and problems for both players and admins, you will be punished.
- Warning
- Kick
- Temporary ban
- Prolonged ban - up to 1 day
- Forum/Discord restrictions
11. Do Not Post Inappropriate Content
We will not tolerate players who post inappropriate and explicit content such as pictures/videos/edits of pornography, gore, suicide, abuse, violence, etc., on any of our platforms. This goes against basic human morals. Post any kind of inappropriate content and you might be thrown in a banishment state.
- Permanent ban
- Member banned
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Final notes
- If you think that you have been wrongfully banned then feel free to post your appeal here >>> link <<< If you can demonstrate that, the permanent ban will be removed (exception: temporary bans [1 hour ban], these can't be unbanned).
- If you see someone breaking these rules, and want help us, you can use this other >>> link <<< to let us know about it.
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Meaning of Punishments:
- Warning: Could be applied in various ways, verbal warning, mute, kill from panel or with the admin tools, force spectate and so on, in order to make the player in question aware an admin is watching.
- Kick: Simple kick from the server, it'll be better for you to fix the behaviour next time you join or else it may lead to a temp ban.
- Temporary ban/ Autoban: 1h ban (cannot be removed)
- Prolonged ban: Ban over a period of time (can range from 1 day to 1 year).
- Double punishment: depending on the punishment of the first offence, 1 day, 5 days and so on, times 2 (x2).
- Permanent ban: banned on an indefinite time. This can take effect on the server where the offence took place or, depending on the case, in all TG servers. The player still has a chance to get unbanned in this case with few conditions. The player has to apologize and has to change the behaviour that got him banned in the first place. The chances are limited and will be decided among the admin staff depending on the case.
- Forum restrictions: you get thrown in a Community Waste / Member Next to Ban ranks/group, which restricts your access to some sections/pages in TG forum.
- Discord restrictions: depending on the case, you can either be muted/kicked or even blocked from the discord channel.
- Member banned/Banishment: players will be banned forever from the community(servers/forum/discord), has almost zero chances to get unbanned. For players in banishment state there will be a public announcement that will inform everyone when a player in this state will no longer be welcomed on any TG platform.
* NOTICE: (Rules were written/added/suggested among whole Staff Team) *
* Signed by High Administration
Edited by Iceqatius, 18 July 2023 - 05:07 PM.
0. Addon to rules updated.