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    The Mongol

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If you are new user here, those are our new TG's servers where you can join to get fun:

  • **MountAndSiege** (Rules applied)
  • **TG_Captain_Battle** (Rules applied)
  • **TG_Duel** (Rules applied)
  • **TG_Arena** (Rules applied)
  • **TG_Invasions** (Rules applied)

* would you like fun? join our >>> **TG_Arena** server
Attached File  arena 2.JPG   71.81KB   0 downloads

* respect and honour dueling? join our >>> **TG_Duel** server:
Attached File  dueling.JPG   65.58KB   0 downloads  Attached File  justa 2.JPG   60.52KB   0 downloads

* * workteam and hard fights? join our >>> **TG_Captain_Battle** and **MountAndSiege** servers:
Attached File  captain battle 5.jpg   54.97KB   0 downloads  Attached File  captain battle 6.jpg   57.88KB   0 downloads  Attached File  Rudkhan 2.JPG   84.07KB   0 downloads  Attached File  Mountain Gorge 7.JPG   88.39KB   0 downloads  Attached File  japan 1.jpg   69.48KB   0 downloads

* would you like destroy walls of Castle?
First learn how to control siege weapons, ships, baloons and more here ...and read a little,
and then  go SIEGE  to help your team to take the Castle:
Attached File  Coast Casttle 13.JPG   63.01KB   0 downloads  Attached File  Boundary Barrier 6.JPG   77.9KB   0 downloads  Attached File  Coast Casttle 4.JPG   76.21KB   0 downloads  Attached File  Coast Casttle 18.JPG   73.33KB   0 downloads

or defending entries to castle and flag:
Attached File  ambush.JPG   79.4KB   0 downloads  Attached File  Potatomb.JPG   65.63KB   0 downloads  Attached File  Rudkhan 10.JPG   97.11KB   0 downloads

in SIEGE, if you are lucky enough to coincide with good players, you can reach this:
Attached File  nice.JPG   50.64KB   0 downloads <<< all the fleet landed to take "Island Trip"!!!


* or fight againts bot's hordes in our **TG_Invasions** server:

Attached File  invasions 1.jpg   60.52KB   0 downloads


but above all things...

Edited by BlackDeath, 15 May 2019 - 07:04 PM.

  • Aeneu, Strawberry, Mister Majcher and 4 others like this



    Advanced Member

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nice pictures, some nice chat captured from arena would fit too :D
  • Teocles likes this




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Hal_Toad: you might wanna see battle chat when there's 20+ players, feels like admins are babysitters and players are kindergarten children fighting with each other :D



    Elite Member

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@joss: I want to insult you, i dont know why?


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you should be a marketing manager xD who are you making these commercials for? troll-game players know where to go



    The Mongol

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Arena is perfect server to do everything funny you wanna do... feel free there ;)



    The Mongol

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There are many people who are lost... and never hurt some pictures to advertise our servers... and yes I have worked in media labeling and advertising :)


  • Guests
orly? tell me one guy who's lost xD u do realise u advertise our servers on our own site



    The Mongol

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not everyone has the manual under the arm :) , the main reason is that not everyone knows or other servers like, talk about our 4... Anyway, tell me what is the problem and why bother you so much? :D don't like photos? :D :D


  • Guests
I got nothing with u man, u a nice guy but I can't make sense of this post :-?



    The Mongol

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dont worry, im joking with this... is only a post (hope a nice post) ;)




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i'll see i might add more pictures to informate the servers ;) Belli: i heard that before and im still happy :)




  • Senior Ex Staff
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Sweet thread!
  • Mister Majcher likes this




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Very good job guys!!

A Jesus

A Jesus

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it has to be reversed also. shield to the opponent side. noobs.

Edited by BlackDeath (The Mongol), 11 November 2014 - 02:17 PM.
TRUE!!! :D

  • BlackDeath, Mister Majcher and Amamama like this
xXxChirstxXx 1:19-95rus, Yolo.

Brothers guna miss; Haters guna jell; Yolo guna swag; Ginger gon to hell;

For I am, Juses, #twice a life having yo mama and lay egg; pray, a peasant, as hear you I, warm is tea in an tea partea yet,

Thus living a core of justice in our hearts and she-pussy's, and living thay spirit of teen hood 360 noscope, and blessing 24/7 our being

With great sweg, as with great sweg, comes great portion of seamen right up your eye; and nay it only; #hadmom.

You may take me away to thay army, may I but take away your mother and had sex.

© Jesis Chirst, king of peoples, and Jews. 22/8/14



    The Mongol

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this video found by Joss gives you a idea about siege server :D



  • Aeneu, Joss, YOBA and 1 other like this



    The Mongol

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Info, before you ask about it:


Re-edit a map which is in server already, and replace it in host, is easy (at least to me) and don't make troubles to any,

but add a new/nice/good map edited for some user is little bit more complicated,

because need to be checked/tested before upload it, to avoid/fix bugs and so, and

also this new map added requires that players apply some patch for they can see name map correctly (and because this, make this patch),

this are reasons why you can see maps re-edited/uploaded in server in very short time, and for to add new maps is necessary have...

a little bit of patience :D





    The Mongol

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first post updated/fixed



    Old Shrubber

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First post needs picture updates btw :)

  • BlackDeath likes this
Tis but a scratch



    The Mongol

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First post needs picture updates btw :)

Old pics were deleted in links, new pics updated, thanks for info :)

  • Strawberry likes this

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