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Gettin rekt in Cossacks

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King BoBo

King BoBo

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For all of you that know how to play the game properly i have a question.

How can 72 pikemen rape my 108 pikemen (with 3 upgrades) and 36 of my riflemen (with 2 upgrades) in like 15 seconds maybe 20?

But that happened again just i had 140 pikemen (with 4 upgrades) and 40 horseman (with 2 upgrades) vs 50 light inf. 10 ottoman pikemen and 16 archers (76 men) and i got rekt in 30 seconds.




Skull Of Plums

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I think there were at least 40 ottoman pikemen...



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One word: UPGRADES


It can be much worse, one formation of upgraded pikemen can butcher almost infinite numbers of pikement with fewer upgrades. Especially upgrades IV (level 4), they are quite expensive but add +3 or +4 to defense/attack. If they have it and you don't, your pikes will be massacred.


Note that it's not just the ones at the barracks; to see all upgrades that can improve a unit, select it, and press 'U'. This will bring up a window where you can see things such as unit cost, build time, and upgrades.


For pikemen, there is one additional upgrade at academy which adds +2 armor, and one at the blacksmith that I think also adds +2.


Also, note that AI will put a very high priority on upgrades, and you will almost always be behind and your pikes weaker. To compensate for that, I build as many merc light infatry as possible.


In addition, some nations have stronger pikemen - http://users.telenet...ks/nations.html

Skull Of Plums

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This depends on the faction,but if my pikemen aren't expensive (and most of the time,they aren't),I like to set their recruitment to infinite as soon as I get a decent economy.


The real problem with BoBo is that he is even worse at economy that me,he needs to work on it a bit.

A few rubbish tricks by me,mostly related to early game:

If you research the mill upgrade at the start (as soon as you build a mill,the upgrade in the mill itself),and do the blacksmith one early on,with 6-9 (try to increase it to 12-15 a bit later,and keep incerasing until you have some 20-25,that is the max number before they start bumping into each other I think) peasants you can have a really nice food income. True,some of your peasants may die early on if you aren't fast,but fuck it,the food gain is massive.


Getting a secound town hall is IMPERATIVE (after a barracks and a academy,ofc,preferably at the same time when you get a academy) . But,as soon (or before) you build a secound town hall,build a mill or two and plant wheat,and then when the hall is built start building moar peasants and telling them to gather it all. This is especially important for Ukraine or Poland,I think,but every faction benefits from it a lot.

I actually try to get a third and a fourth town hall,but a similar procedure follows.


With your town hall selected,you can right click on a spot on a map to set a gathering point. Pretty basic stuff,but if you set it on wheat/wood/stone,the peasants who you recruit will automatically go and gather that shit. Less annoying micromanagement and faster economy.


KEEP RECRUITING PEASANTS,and sending them to build mines/gather food/wood/stone. You have to keep doing this.

The academy upgrades are very good,but there are a few who you really,really need. The wood and the stone one,for example. They basically give you a double gathering rate. But the second stone upgrade is REALLY wonderful - 300% of the basic gathering rate. So,you should increase the number of stone gathering peasants to around 30-40 when you do the first upgrade,then try to get to the second one fast,and then get around 90-150 peasants to gather stone. Why?

Because you then get massive amounts of stone that you can use in building,but much more importantly,trade for other resources. This is life saving and enables you to get many,many upgrades much,MUCH faster.

Thanks to my luv and guardian Angel Mukaka Popo for telling me about dis great trick.


Oh,and PROTIP: When you get a market,press CTRL + 1 to hotkey it. Then every time you press 1 you can bring it up without the need to find the damn thing in your town. Much faster,much more comfortable,and much better. You can do the same with units and other buildings too.


I am not sure how good it is to get light infantry,because they are ultra shitty (I love the Mercinary Dragoons more,30 of them can raid by themselves quite well early on,but they are quite expensive),but mercenaries are really essential if you are about to get rushed.

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Well done Skull ! I also hotkey 1 for market :D


Make sure to read the bit about trading in the market in the 'tips' page:


Market: Don't click more than once
New players may not realize this but clicking 'trade' 5 times with 1000 resources is one of the worst things that can be done at the market. It is much better to specify 5000 resources and click 'trade' once. This is because the buying price for the target resource is increased with each trade. The only exception to this rule is 'reverse trading' (keep reading).

Building a Market: Be the first.

New players may not realize that market prices are the same for all players. If one player makes a trade, the prices are changed for everyone. Nearly every good start involves selling resources, so to get the best prices, you want to be the first player to build a market and start trading.
Trading: Every resource has a minimum selling price.
With each trade, you'll notice the amount offered of your target resource go down. You might begin to wonder if there is a 'minimum bid', and the answer is yes. Each resource has a minimum selling price:

Gold per 1000:
  • Food - 20 : 1000 (1:48) -- terrible
  • Stone - 83 : 1000 (1:12)
  • Wood - 83 : 1000 (1:12)
  • Iron - 166 : 1000 (1:6)
  • Coal - 166 : 1000 (1:6)
Food per 1000:
  • Stone - 500 : 1000 (1:2)
  • Wood - 500 : 1000 (1:2)
  • Iron - 1000 : 1000 (1:1) -- excellent
  • Coal - 1000 : 1000 (1:1) -- excellent
  • Gold - 2000 : 1000 (2:1) -- best
Stone and Wood per 1000:
  • Food - 83 : 1000 (1:12)
  • Stone - 333 : 1000 (1:3)
  • Wood - 333 : 1000 (1:3)
  • Iron - 666 : 1000 (2:3) -- good
  • Coal - 666 : 1000 (2:3) -- good
  • Gold - 1333 : 1000 (4:3) -- excellent
Iron and Coal per 1000:
  • Food - 41 : 1000 (1:24) -- terrible
  • Stone - 166 : 1000 (1:6)
  • Wood - 166 : 1000 (1:6)
  • Iron - 333 : 1000 (1:3)
  • Coal - 333 : 1000 (1:3)
  • Gold - 666 : 1000 (2:3) -- good
An important feature of the market that is often overlooked is the fact that prices can be inflated by 'reverse' trading. Say for example you want to buy some gold, and you have 100000 stone (thanks to the 400% stone upgrade). Simply trade away gold in 1000 increments and you'll notice the buying price for gold drop dramatically. An example would be: 83 gold currently sells for 1000 stone(1:12). That's really high. Reverse trade 8000 gold in 1000 increments to bring the price down to 205 gold per 1000 stone (1:5). Now, trading away your stone will yield over 100% greater profit. Keep in mind that the same technique works for all resources, and the more resources you have to trade, the better. 300000 stone is a lot more effective than 100000, and selling anything less than 70000 is not really worth the effort. Likewise, reverse trading 6000 gold in 1000 increments will help bring the price down a bit (maybe you'll get 170 per 1000), but 12000 is far better (you can get as much as 235 per 1000). Using the market-watch window, it is possible to spot other players doing this. Many thanks to [DF]Piktou for telling me about this.

Tomi suggested that a list of the maximum bidding prices would also be useful. Bear in mind that the higher the maximum bid the more reverse trading is needed. For example, to realize a 7:1 benefit on gold for food, over 2 million food needs to be traded away. Assuming 1000 stone is trading for 83 gold (the lowest possible bid), 10 trades of 1000 will bring the gold bid for stone up to 210. 15 trades will bring it up to 235, 20 will bring up to 255. To reach 285, 50 trades of 1000 are needed. For the best return on investment, use the following rule when trading stone for gold: For 100000 stone, reverse gold 10 times. For 200000 stone, reverse 12 times. For 400000 stone, reverse 15 times. For 800000 stone, reverse 20 times.

Gold per 1000:
  • Food - 142 : 1000 (1:7)
  • Stone - 285 : 1000 (2:7)
  • Wood - 285 : 1000 (2:7)
  • Iron - 570 : 1000 (4:7)
  • Coal - 570 : 1000 (4:7)
Food per 1000:
  • Stone - 2000 : 1000 (2:1)
  • Wood - 2000 : 1000 (2:1)
  • Iron - 4000 : 1000 (4:1) -- excellent
  • Coal - 4000 : 1000 (4:1) -- excellent
  • Gold - 7000 : 1000 (7:1) -- best
Stone and Wood per 1000:
  • Food - 500 : 1000 (1:2)
  • Stone - 1000 : 1000 (1:1)
  • Wood - 1000 : 1000 (1:1)
  • Iron - 2000 : 1000 (2:1) -- good
  • Coal - 2000 : 1000 (2:1) -- good
  • Gold - 3500 : 1000 (7:2) -- excellent
Iron and Coal per 1000:
  • Food - 250 : 1000 (1:4)
  • Stone - 500 : 1000 (1:2)
  • Wood - 500 : 1000 (1:2)
  • Iron - 1000 : 1000 (1:1)
  • Coal - 1000 : 1000 (1:1)
  • Gold - 1750 : 1000 (7:4) -- good

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Getting a secound town hall is IMPERATIVE (after a barracks and a academy,ofc,preferably at the same time when you get a academy) . But,as soon (or before) you build a secound town hall,build a mill or two and plant wheat,and then when the hall is built start building moar peasants and telling them to gather it all. This is especially important for Ukraine or Poland,I think,but every faction benefits from it a lot.

I actually try to get a third and a fourth town hall,but a similar procedure follows.


Building lots of town halls has three advantages: a ) faster peasant recruitment b ) higher population cap and c ) you can 'specialize' each town hall by choosing gathering points for serfs at different resources for each town hall, which spares you from assigning all created serfs manually.


I wonder if it is even worthwhile to construct many dwellings rather than using town halls only. I didn't see many advantages in extra housing up to now (but then again I have not played much yet and I probably generally still spawn too few peasants).

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Building lots of town halls has three advantages: a ) faster peasant recruitment b ) higher population cap and c ) you can 'specialize' each town hall by choosing gathering points for serfs at different resources for each town hall, which spares you from assigning all created serfs manually.


I wonder if it is even worthwhile to construct many dwellings rather than using town halls only. I didn't see many advantages in extra housing up to now (but then again I have not played much yet and I probably generally still spawn too few peasants).


Yes, another very good tip :D You guys will soon kick my ass in Cossacks. But not yet !


The ting with Cossacks is that the price of most buildings grows exponentially. So, I have no idea how much the first town hall costs - it's dirt cheap. But the second one is about 2100 wood and stone. The third one - 6300 wood and stone, and the fourth one 16k or something. Even storehouse can cost a fortune if you have too many. So, that's why you'll build dwellings, because you won't be able to afford town halls :D

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Reus/alexander ®

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This depends on the faction,but if my pikemen aren't expensive (and most of the time,they aren't),I like to set their recruitment to infinite as soon as I get a decent economy.


The real problem with BoBo is that he is even worse at economy that me,he needs to work on it a bit.

A few rubbish tricks by me,mostly related to early game:

If you research the mill upgrade at the start (as soon as you build a mill,the upgrade in the mill itself),and do the blacksmith one early on,with 6-9 (try to increase it to 12-15 a bit later,and keep incerasing until you have some 20-25,that is the max number before they start bumping into each other I think) peasants you can have a really nice food income. True,some of your peasants may die early on if you aren't fast,but fuck it,the food gain is massive.


Getting a secound town hall is IMPERATIVE (after a barracks and a academy,ofc,preferably at the same time when you get a academy) . But,as soon (or before) you build a secound town hall,build a mill or two and plant wheat,and then when the hall is built start building moar peasants and telling them to gather it all. This is especially important for Ukraine or Poland,I think,but every faction benefits from it a lot.

I actually try to get a third and a fourth town hall,but a similar procedure follows.


With your town hall selected,you can right click on a spot on a map to set a gathering point. Pretty basic stuff,but if you set it on wheat/wood/stone,the peasants who you recruit will automatically go and gather that shit. Less annoying micromanagement and faster economy.


KEEP RECRUITING PEASANTS,and sending them to build mines/gather food/wood/stone. You have to keep doing this.

The academy upgrades are very good,but there are a few who you really,really need. The wood and the stone one,for example. They basically give you a double gathering rate. But the second stone upgrade is REALLY wonderful - 300% of the basic gathering rate. So,you should increase the number of stone gathering peasants to around 30-40 when you do the first upgrade,then try to get to the second one fast,and then get around 90-150 peasants to gather stone. Why?

Because you then get massive amounts of stone that you can use in building,but much more importantly,trade for other resources. This is life saving and enables you to get many,many upgrades much,MUCH faster.

Thanks to my luv and guardian Angel Mukaka Popo for telling me about dis great trick.


Oh,and PROTIP: When you get a market,press CTRL + 1 to hotkey it. Then every time you press 1 you can bring it up without the need to find the damn thing in your town. Much faster,much more comfortable,and much better. You can do the same with units and other buildings too.


I am not sure how good it is to get light infantry,because they are ultra shitty (I love the Mercinary Dragoons more,30 of them can raid by themselves quite well early on,but they are quite expensive),but mercenaries are really essential if you are about to get rushed.



I admire you ... how do you have nerves to write all of this? :( :(


Lud si!! ;) ;)

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"Keep Calm And Echte Liebe"

Skull Of Plums

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Building lots of town halls has three advantages: a ) faster peasant recruitment b ) higher population cap and c ) you can 'specialize' each town hall by choosing gathering points for serfs at different resources for each town hall, which spares you from assigning all created serfs manually.




You guys will soon kick my ass in Cossacks. But not yet !


The ting with Cossacks is that the price of most buildings grows exponentially. So, I have no idea how much the first town hall costs - it's dirt cheap. But the second one is about 2100 wood and stone. The third one - 6300 wood and stone, and the fourth one 16k or something. Even storehouse can cost a fortune if you have too many. So, that's why you'll build dwellings, because you won't be able to afford town halls :D

I doubt that :)


And yes,the more you build - the more expensive it is. During my last match when I wanted to build my sixth or seventh town hall the cost was like...700 000 or 7 000 000 wood...


Dwellings are a pain in the ass to build for me,but you gotta do it...



Lud si!! ;) ;)

Znam :D

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King BoBo

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I think there were at least 40 ottoman pikemen...

It was max 15!



A Jesus

A Jesus

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For all of you that know how to play the game properly i have a question.

How can 72 pikemen rape my 108 pikemen (with 3 upgrades) and 36 of my riflemen (with 2 upgrades) in like 15 seconds maybe 20?

But that happened again just i had 140 pikemen (with 4 upgrades) and 40 horseman (with 2 upgrades) vs 50 light inf. 10 ottoman pikemen and 16 archers (76 men) and i got rekt in 30 seconds.


strength depends on nation, for example russian pikemen are the most powerful 17th infantry in the game, while their 17th musketers are the worst ever.
u have to know what nation u play with and what are her special abilities.

also archers have 1841128127 dmg and most probably will rape any unit of ur's in 1 hit, their week spot is the accuracy, they miss like retards, yet if 10 archers shoot a bunch of 6346465 elite cavalry, most probably 10 horsemen will die each time they fire, until they reach the archers, a good tactic to counter it is sending 3-4 horses with distances between eachother, manually avoiding arrows - may get u 0 loss result. also rifles are much more effective vs archers (range bonus+low archer hp) 

  • Skull Of Plums likes this
xXxChirstxXx 1:19-95rus, Yolo.

Brothers guna miss; Haters guna jell; Yolo guna swag; Ginger gon to hell;

For I am, Juses, #twice a life having yo mama and lay egg; pray, a peasant, as hear you I, warm is tea in an tea partea yet,

Thus living a core of justice in our hearts and she-pussy's, and living thay spirit of teen hood 360 noscope, and blessing 24/7 our being

With great sweg, as with great sweg, comes great portion of seamen right up your eye; and nay it only; #hadmom.

You may take me away to thay army, may I but take away your mother and had sex.

© Jesis Chirst, king of peoples, and Jews. 22/8/14

A Jesus

A Jesus

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strength depends on nation, for example russian pikemen are the most powerful 17th infantry in the game, while their 17th musketers are the worst ever.
u have to know what nation u play with and what are her special abilities.

also archers have 1841128127 dmg and most probably will rape any unit of ur's in 1 hit, their week spot is the accuracy, they miss like retards, yet if 10 archers shoot a bunch of 6346465 elite cavalry, most probably 10 horsemen will die each time they fire, until they reach the archers, a good tactic to counter it is sending 3-4 horses with distances between eachother, manually avoiding arrows - may get u 0 loss result. also rifles are much more effective vs archers (range bonus+low archer hp) 

also upgrades are unbalanced in this game, 1 maximum upgraded pikeman can solo rape 50 unupgraded pikemen of same nation, easily.

  • Skull Of Plums likes this
xXxChirstxXx 1:19-95rus, Yolo.

Brothers guna miss; Haters guna jell; Yolo guna swag; Ginger gon to hell;

For I am, Juses, #twice a life having yo mama and lay egg; pray, a peasant, as hear you I, warm is tea in an tea partea yet,

Thus living a core of justice in our hearts and she-pussy's, and living thay spirit of teen hood 360 noscope, and blessing 24/7 our being

With great sweg, as with great sweg, comes great portion of seamen right up your eye; and nay it only; #hadmom.

You may take me away to thay army, may I but take away your mother and had sex.

© Jesis Chirst, king of peoples, and Jews. 22/8/14



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With archers, first of all it depends on wether it's mercenary archer, or "native" Algerian archer. The merc one has 28 damage, so can't 1-shot anything, but reloads very fast. Native archer has 199 damage, so he'll one-shot any infantry - if he doesn't miss, of course. But: he has a much shorter range, and a much longer reloading time.


In both cases, hordes of archers can be devastating. The best counter is fast cav - even merc cossacks will eath through archers very quickly since they have no armor and very low HP. But, like Jesus said, they can't aim for shit, so you need a bunch of them.

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King BoBo

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My economy is alot (arround 15 k gold when i reach 6 k food) gold i dont get more then 2 mills and max 20 farmers on 1 mill andmax 15 miners for stone cuz i dont use it so much and arround 40 ppl on wood.

I ussually take Hungary most for good light cav (ppl say that its a piece of shit but its good),i ussually get a lot of iron and coal and i dont like armys of like 4827802750982750 men so i have max 400 men and arround 200 merc. and max 150 farmers/miners/lumberjacks/idiots who run arround building dwellings

As im used to AC sistem (mostly) i tend to have only 1 town hall (in AC its research center) and i use market really often and i do upgrade men and horses and i tend not to use cannons (i like AC cannons more cuz they have crew and theyre more realistic) and i hate ranged units cuz they cant fight in melee (only 18 c can) and its stupid that u can flank spearmen/pikemen/retards with long sticks with cav and that 1 rider can rape 20 archers with taking max 50 damage.



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