I now kindly ask for Saddoveanu or whoever can offer tactics against hyper-agressive AI. Of course we both had rather late-game oriented factions, but that will surely not be the point. I know that a faster build is obviously a general way to improve, so I'd like some tips about that. I was really astonished what the AI could militarily accomplish in the peacetime. I could of course have spammed 17th century pikemen, but you really have to decide between enlarging the workforce or the army, because both consume food! Especially in the beginning, recruiting peasants seems imperative. I do not think I would have been able to recruit a lot more units when I do not make peasants, I guess my food production would have become insufficient shortly.
The first raid was decisive, so I want to know how I can have enough troops to fend off rushing AI after 10pt and still get my industry running into the 18th century (if both is even possible).