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FT7 statistic for duel and more...

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Hey, guys!


I saw on ludus that players can start fight to seven duel and see that you try do something like that, so i want suggest amazing idea to collect statistics from this fights and show it on this site! It should be awesome, when all players can come to site for statistics and see who with who fight, how many times, results of this fights and many more!(and we can see there who have biggest dic..i mean, who stronger between any two players )


Another suggestion, if you'll make this statistic, is to make monthly rating for  FT7 duels. Its needed some smart algorithm for this, so all duel FT7 fighters should have rank every month, which computed by who with who fight with what result.(hard work to create this algorithm, but maybe some smart programmer would like this challenge. Hard, cause this algorithm must create ranking not by win/loss ratio where noobs vs noobs can generate more then others , but more difficult way)


After all, duel server can have announcement in chat with talking about statistics for server, and, if we'll have this rank system, it can telling about first 3( or more) players in current month. This things would make this duel server very popular, i suppose, or best duel server ever.

  • Joss, Parzival, Omen and 4 others like this




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Good idea;)

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    Ancient Member

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Very good suggestions indeed. The statistics could be done with an ELO system like e.g. in chess, so that all users start at a fixed number and you gain more points for winning against succesfull players than against weaker ones and in turn, lose more if you get rekt by scrubs.


And pls, nobody shall even dare to challenge my last place in this ranking or you'll be banned.

  • Skull Of Plums, Amamama, EpicFail8221 and 3 others like this



    High Admin Emeritius

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I haven't understood exactly. Are you talking about an experience system ?



    Ancient Member

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I haven't understood exactly. Are you talking about an experience system ?


I think he means you can go to the website and see, for example, how many times Foo fought with Bar, and how many time each of them won. Each player also gets or looses rating points from every duel, depending on the rating of the adversary.


When a player, let's say Foo,  joins for the first time, he gets a rating of 100. If looses to Bar, rating 50, then his rating will decrease a lot; say, to 70, and Bar's rating will increase a lot, to 80. If they both have ratings of 100, then Foo will only loose a few points, and his new rating becomes 95, while Bar will have 105. Foo is a new player so it will take at least 10 duels or so for his rating to reflect his skill level.


Come to think of it, it would be pretty cool to have like a news ticker or some widget on the website, with results of these "to 7" duels updated live.




Foo 4 : 7 Bar

  • Parzival, Amamama, EpicFail8221 and 1 other like this




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I think he means you can go to the website and see, for example, how many times Foo fought with Bar, and how many time each of them won. Each player also gets or looses rating points from every duel, depending on the rating of the adversary.

Yes, that's what i mean.


Come to think of it, it would be pretty cool to have like a news ticker or some widget on the website, with results of these "to 7" duels updated live.


Yes, that`s sound good too. And history of recent fights.Maybe, not all, only with high ranked adversaries or one high-ranked, that lost to novice/low-ranked,in other words, show recent fights where someone lost a lot of points. And  add ability to comment this results, lol(it is unnecessary, but sounds funny).


When a player, let's say Foo,  joins for the first time, he gets a rating of 100. If looses to Bar, rating 50, then his rating will decrease a lot; say, to 70, and Bar's rating will increase a lot, to 80. If they both have ratings of 100, then Foo will only loose a few points, and his new rating becomes 95, while Bar will have 105. Foo is a new player so it will take at least 10 duels or so for his rating to reflect his skill level.

In not very complicated way something like this. In complicated it can have different connections of relations between players score. For example, we have 10 top players and top player already fight with all next to 10. Then some new guy bit this number one player few time and then:

1) in simple algorithm: the N1 can descend to second place(or lower), and player two become first. But it is wrong, cause 1st player stronger then 2nd.


2) in complicated algorithm: all players in top 10(and further) should decrease their points(not the same amount of points, depend of history of they fights with each others), but without changing position between them. Probably, new guy will just push some of them on one position lower while he will get in top 10.


Well, it is quite an interesting challenge for mind. Maybe already exist solutions for this, or it is no need to be so complicated.

  • Saddoveanu likes this

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