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File Information

  • Submitted: Dec 21 2015 07:58 PM
  • Last Updated: Mar 16 2021 03:55 PM
  • File Size: 131.85MB
  • Views: 146594
  • Downloads: 89995

Previous Versions

  • 13 Sep 2019 Download TrollGame NeoGK 1.2.3

Download TrollGame NeoGK 1.2.7

* * * * - 46 Votes
neogk trollgame neogk neogk mappers mod patch


NeoGK is a native compatible mod for Mount&Blade Warband that enhances the gameplay with siege engines, new equipments and other fun features.




  • Warband  version 1.174+



Practically is the same as original neogk with following changes :



This version cannot be used to host servers.




Alternative download







>>>  Original NeoGK (for edition) - link to download <<<

(The original version from GK community)

What's New in Version 1.2.7 (See full changelog)

  • ## [1.2.7] - 2021-02-15
  • ### Added
  • - TG Siege Map: Arama Escape by Elary
  • - TG Siege Map: Karval Keep by Iceqatius
  • - TG Siege Map: River Castle by MarkoTheGreat
  • - TG Siege Map: Swadian Grand Castle by Schizophren edit by Aratar
  • - TG Siege Map: The Sarranid Border by Schizophren edit by Aratar
  • - TG Siege Map: Kingdom of Rugovia by Schizophren
  • - TG Siege Map: Castle of Secrets by Schizophren edit by Elary
  • - TG Siege Map: Carribean Raid by Schizophren edit by Elary
  • - TG Siege Map: Sea Raider Fortress by SageMcQuincy edit by Iceqatius
  • - TG Siege Map: Tower of Eternity by Akathir edit by Iceqatius
  • - TG Siege Map: Train Robbery Event by Leprikon
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: The Three Giants by Elemir
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Bannockburn by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Broken Siege by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Ambush at Sardak by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Battle of Karval by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Road to Uxkhal by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Shattered Wall by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Two Rivers Dance by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Bosworth Field by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Cairns of Carnage by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Ruins of Sarkir by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Forlorn Hills by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Jarnleikr Saga by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Bloodshed at Hvitgrimr by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Warfare at Menhir by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Battle of Arsuf by Iceqatius
  • - TG Captain Battle Map: Durquba Desert by Iceqatius
  • - TG Arena Map: Arama Escape by Elary
  • - TG Arena Map: Arena by Ayna
  • - TG Arena Map: Marib Dam by SaddleHorse
  • - TG Arena Map: Temple Of The OwlKing by Elary
  • - TG Arena Map: Carribean Raid by Schizophren edit by Elary
  • ### Changed
  • - Removed experimental feature Admimi Streamer Mode
  • - Removed some admin restrictions on TG Siege

Hi KA! Thanks for replying; yes,I understand that and I copy and pasted as a separate step. What I did when I installed, is I extracted the downloaded file, so then this new unzipped folder was created; from that folder I copy and pasted the Native file over the existing Native file in the Modules folder as a separate step. Anything else you may think might be why I didn't have success? Thanks.

Did windows ask if you needed to overwrite items?

  • Report
Jul 04 2017 11:22 PM

Did windows ask if you needed to overwrite items?

Hi Horatius! The Windows popup window that came up said: "This folder already contains a folder named Native. If the files in the existing folder have the same name as files in the folder you are moving or copying, they will be replaced. Do you still want to move or copy the folder?"     I clicked on the "yes to all" option. Thank you too for responding. Really scratching my head here in confusion. :(

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Try to copy and paste the files inside instead only the folder.
  • Report
Jul 05 2017 07:48 PM

Try to copy and paste the files inside instead only the folder.

Thank you KA, I will try that!

  • Report
Jul 05 2017 08:59 PM

Try to copy and paste the files inside instead only the folder.

Wow!! KA, I really didn't think what you suggested for me to do would work, but IT VERY WELL DID!!! I'm quite a bit puzzled as to why it worked this way though. Maybe this will help anyone else though who may encounter the copy/paste problem of the Native folder, I haven't seen the Khergit faction yet on a map to try to see if the Khergit changes applied, but the team damage screen shows the changes and looks very nice. Thank you very much again!!!! Thank you also Horatius. I will make an update when I will try the Khergit faction. Saluti!! UPDATE: So,yes I just tried playing as a Khergit Archer and yes, the new neogk weapon options showed; so everything's good! :applause:

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Feb 06 2018 06:49 PM

Shooting javelins, topkek

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Why do I get unable to connect to server everytime it downloads a new map.

My download doesn't even start and get the unable to connect to server straight after...some oter map work

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Nov 21 2018 07:43 PM

I have an Issue, I assume this is the latest version of the mod? When I got on the US server that supports neoGK, everything works fine, warcry, weapons, armors, except when I play a Khergit or Sultanate the gun doesn't work, I get the ammo, and the gun, and when I scroll I end up getting a sword. The pistol works fine on the server too, other players have used it, I put the Native folder of the neoGK mod into my native module, and I put the extra files in my native module, please help. Thanks.

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I have an Issue, I assume this is the latest version of the mod? When I got on the US server that supports neoGK, everything works fine, warcry, weapons, armors, except when I play a Khergit or Sultanate the gun doesn't work, I get the ammo, and the gun, and when I scroll I end up getting a sword. The pistol works fine on the server too, other players have used it, I put the Native folder of the neoGK mod into my native module, and I put the extra files in my native module, please help. Thanks.

i think some servers have banned the pistol so it's working as it should. mount & siege doesn't block ;-)

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Nov 21 2018 09:48 PM

i think some servers have banned the pistol so it's working as it should. mount & siege doesn't block ;-)I believe

I believe you are very right; the TG servers don't limit or restrict anything that the NeoGK mod offers. Even the Troll-Game patch adds more of the NeoGK with our servers such as decapitations; if your NeoGK download was from any other source other than here, the TG mod patch, you won't have the decapitation feature that happens with our servers and you won't even be able to see if any decapitations happen. Our most recent update of our mod patch now includes random animal sounds also. Just to give you some understanding of the troll-game NeoGK mod patch is why I am stating this, as to what your issue is (and I didn't mean to divert you away from your issue), my first sentence in this comment explains that and also referring to what newplar's reply to you. As far as I understand, I am correct in all that I am saying, if I am incorrect, anyone can respectfully set me straight. Hope this helps! Enjoy our servers, thanks for playing on them!! Saluti

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