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Turkish people never cease to amaze me. Every time i think i met the dumbest one of them another one shows up and blows him out of the water. Must be the desert heat frying their brains
Locked Status Mar 26 2021 10:34 PM
  • WingedEggJuice's Photo
    wow you make a post about me saying 'terrorist kebab' which is clearly a joke and then you write stuff like that Gilby.

    You're a non sensical idiot.

    Mar 27 2021 03:40 PM
  • RealGilby's Photo
    Egg, I actually think you're smart, but you act like an idiot from time to time. I opened this topic to see the reaction of administrators.
    Mar 29 2021 11:28 AM
  • RealGilby's Photo
    And I don't see any harm in talking like that to you two good friends who are trying to humiliate my country and me, I think you're idiots and you deserve it.
    Mar 29 2021 11:29 AM