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It is my pleasure to state that I was unbaned by BlackDeath and I got one last chance to live on Tg Arena with you! I love you people and I won't fail your expectations!
Oct 24 2018 09:35 AM
Exactly Daniel!
Oct 26 2018 01:01 PM -
I meant what if motherfucker will act like he did before - he will get ban . Its too hard to understand what wrote before , or what ?
Oct 28 2018 11:00 AM -
Guys, Eleonnika wanted to point out a harsh truth. It is sure that every single sign of "being bad" will get me banned again. And Eleo is right about the thing, that I was banned for "acting as a bad person", not for being a bad person. It might be hard for me, but trust and believe! WE are going to make Tg arena great again!
Nov 04 2018 06:06 PM