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How is it going guys? Time has been really rough. We can only hope for better times to come. I wonder if the people i played with back in the days are still active or what they are up to nowadays. I personally had a lot of changes in my life but it still seems like nothing changed. Maybe you know that feeling. Well.. here is a litte sign of life from my side. I hope you all are doing well. Stay strong! You are not alone! Take care of yourself!
Locked Status Mar 22 2021 09:41 PM
  • Eleonnika's Photo
    Mar 24 2021 01:43 AM
  • Mister Majcher's Photo
    Mister Majcher
    such a lovely place...
    Mar 24 2021 03:01 PM
  • Elary's Photo
    you can check-out any time you like,
    but you can never leave
    Mar 24 2021 11:02 PM