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Annabella Campbell

Lately, I've been feeling like shit. Have no mood to anything and see no good future.I have almost finished my studies at the university and I am afraid of what will happen next. I want to live good, not be afraid of tomorrow and not depend on anyone: parents, boyfriend or husband etc. Spending time in this stupid game helped me to relax but now panic attack are real strong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBtlPT23PTM.
May 29 2021 10:59 AM
  • Rocket's Photo
    Anny,hang in there you're a strong person and also know that all of us at tg arena greatly respect your mental health and you can approach any of us if things get overwhelming, And remember don't be hard on yourself and seek professional help if you cannot win against this on your own, there is absolutely nothing wrong in seeking help it does not make us weak, it makes us strong, hang in there campbell. :) i got ur back homie
    Jun 01 2021 08:35 AM
  • bery888's Photo
    We are standing with you, Anny.
    Jun 02 2021 01:05 PM
  • Mister_Crêpes's Photo
    Nothing that eating a paella and drinking tinto de verano in the beach can't fix.
    Jun 27 2021 04:59 PM