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Sorry to see another player fall to fear and being manipulated through demagoguery and the lowest common denominator. Kamby it wasn't your fault, you were righteous all the way.
Locked Status Mar 21 2021 04:35 PM
  • WARCHIEF's Photo
    Fuck you, you dont have any friends. You are completely oblivious to reality, and you need a shrink not an avatar. I am so glad I could get you to show your true face, so players could see exactly what you are.
    Mar 22 2021 10:31 AM
  • WARCHIEF's Photo
    Lmfao how the fuck does a grown man who hides most of his life, has no bravery whatsoever , that has spent a year failing at impersonating a young woman , even though he was known and fooled no one, still, how does that guy get to question someone's bravery, identity etc...
    Mar 22 2021 12:37 PM
  • WingedEggJuice's Photo
    lolwat, oki mr slavemaster. Pleasure speaking to you as always lmaoooooo. Bye baeee
    Mar 22 2021 01:28 PM