3 months ago
But I mean the tips and hints make them an other colour cuz I think many pp sometimes think that if an admin says something it is an announcement, although I have that prob sometimes
I agree with you
3 months ago
But I mean the tips and hints make them an other colour cuz I think many pp sometimes think that if an admin says something it is an announcement, although I have that prob sometimes
I agree with you
I wouldn't do that. If I were a frequent player of Mount&Siege and saw those messages 3 times, I would not play in any of the servers cuz it kinda sounds desperate, know what i mean?
You could instead add in all 4 servers a message like:
"Hint: Try our other servers [insert the names of the other 3 servers here]. For more info check our website www.troll-game.org"
it's more minimalist and less eye disturbing
We should make an official YouTube channel where we present the weekly events (we must bring saturday journey back to life and embrace the tourney of the five crowns as a traditional event that takes place each season - spring, summer, autumn, winter) and accentuate our competitive advantages (decaps come to mind as a first example).
At least that's how I'd do it. If you got new ideas or want to complete the ones above, please feel free to share your thoughts. We all need to put our minds to work on this common goal, to make a name for ourselves out there or we will get lost in the crowd like countless other servers.
Great idea's Andrei, well, i would like to take the part of Youtube channel and i will record the weekly event's ofc, and also i have good idea that the summer is coming we could give away some game's by doing special event's for that for example " if some hit the score 50 in the event he will get the give away game" a small give away someone who have the ability's to do it, for me i would do like 10 games give away in summer while the summer sales is running, so this will make the server's really famous and do some kind challenge's between the players, so yea we can develop the idea more by getting some suggestions from the others.
We can do it every week one time in different server.
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