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Mordhau - very promising medieval combat game

medieval combat

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Found this one yesterday, looks very interesting; the video speaks for itself:


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Looks like less clunky Chivalry

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Whoa:) Seems like they are extending Warband combat ideas with some of Melee Battleground ideas like 360° angle system.

Unfortunetly the first person view gives much less overview around player and i can say its less realistic then real human perception of his surroundings.

Anyway nice that some another team is going that proper way of developing games. Also nicely made video with simple explanation of complicated stuffs, plus some fleshes of trolling and glitching in the dev videos itself ;) +1

  • Annie, rich_bitch and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this



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looks great.


i agree with ae 'bout that perception, but who knows, it could be very realistic with VR



    The Mongol

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it could be very realistic with VR

sure!!! and probably all things around you in your home room will be destroyed too :hammer: :computer:

...like if a tank had passed by :tank:  :loool:

  • Aeneu and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this

Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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i can say its less realistic then real human perception of his surroundings.


How? The only thing that games like these need to add to first person are helmet visors and then it is as realistic as it can get.



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No actual Mordhau demonstrated in the video, I want my money back.

The overhead backflip after being hit by a crossbow bolt (6:45) adds a nice touch of pathos though.



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How? The only thing that games like these need to add to first person are helmet visors and then it is as realistic as it can get.


who the hell wears a helmet?!

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How? The only thing that games like these need to add to first person are helmet visors and then it is as realistic as it can get.

I never tried VR so i cant say about that. But 3rd person view is very nice substitution of humans peripheral vision which cannot be never expressed properly on 1st person view, probably. And i dont even mention other perceptions like aural of feelings :P But this is kinda too soon to include into games in this century..... xD

Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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who the hell wears a helmet?!

Me,as can be seen by my avatar to the left,and most of the characters in the game as can be seen from the video as well.

Skull Of Plums

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And M&B's Weight system is mostly stupid and makes no sense,chainmail is only going to slow you down if you are a extreme sissy and as far as I know all armor is designed with mobility in mind since a slow soilder = dead soilder.



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Looks promising. Nice to see no crosshairs for crossbows/bows. The only thing I didn't like much was hearing the mouse scroll wheel button is used for thrust attacks. Hope it can get changed, not hardcoded or something. But it's still pre alpha, so we've got a long road ahead.




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The only thing I didn't like much was hearing the mouse scroll wheel button is used for thrust attacks.

They said "scroll wheel", not button, so dont worry  B) From my gaming experience using scroll wheel button is very problematic, but scroll wheel itself for any action is very ok.
And i need to say i love their description of example situations in combat: (which i never saw better described nowhere in taleworlds forums)

This causes a pattern to emerge that works a bit like this: if the attack is threatening right out of windup, the defender may try to parry but they are very susceptible to a feint. Instead of parrying, opting to chamber such an attack will mean that if the attacker feints, the defender's attack will strike them, and if they don't, the defender's attack will block the attacker's -- win win! If on the other hand the attack is coming from further away, the defender can wait for it to enter release and reliably parry it, but if they are over-eager and try to chamber it, the attacker might re-adjust the arc causing the defender to miss the window, taking a hit instead. Actual situations that arise in the game might be somewhere in-between and it's never so clear in the heat of battle as to what the correct action is, but practice makes perfect!




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Combat looks like MB + Chivalry quite cool



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Inspirational sources are pretty evident in this game, I think…
There is a link to their Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstar...0135984/mordhau.

  • Aeneu, Parzival, LizardWizard and 2 others like this



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Looks like Lenna beat me to it, but there's a new trailer for Mordhau and it's amazing ! Since embeds don't seem to be working (not for me, at least), posting links instead. Seriously good stuff !

Gameplay Trailer: https://www.youtube....h?v=THKTfTFVfOY

Kickstarter Video: https://www.youtube....h?v=muY0yQO068E

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God damn !!

There is only one way to become champion never fucking lose!!!

"A man is never too weak or too wounded to fight. If his cause is greater than his own life." -Oenomaus

All men fall. It's but time and method that differ.



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Looks like Lenna beat me to it, but there's a new trailer for Mordhau and it's amazing ! Since embeds don't seem to be working (not for me, at least), posting links instead. Seriously good stuff !

Gameplay Trailer: https://www.youtube....h?v=THKTfTFVfOY

Kickstarter Video: https://www.youtube....h?v=muY0yQO068E


You probably know this, but just use the BBforum's [media] code:


It should work just fine. Don't put line breaks into that code—that means, use the code within a single text line; otherwise, it might not work.

I mean, I just tested it and it works fine for me right now…

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Looks like Lenna beat me to it, but there's a new trailer for Mordhau and it's amazing ! Since embeds don't seem to be working (not for me, at least), posting links instead. Seriously good stuff !

Gameplay Trailer: https://www.youtube....h?v=THKTfTFVfOY

Kickstarter Video: https://www.youtube....h?v=muY0yQO068E


Wow! This time the trailer ends rightly!

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    The Mongol

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WOW!!! (too :D) but there are a "thing" that don't like by now :viking2: :


"Mordhau is a multiplayer medieval fighting game where fights range from duels all the way to large,

open battles of up to 64 players <<< ONLY??? with horses, siege engines, and castles to be stormed. It features a skill-based free-flowing combat system that is easy to learn, but hard to master."


hope they increase this :rolleyes: ^_^

  • GANNICUS* likes this

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