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siege server that is already offline

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Poll: TG reputation (23 member(s) have cast votes)

why we play on TG siege server ?

  1. TG uses the best equipments on server and i love it (14 votes [60.87%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 60.87%

  2. i have my own server and i hated TG servers (4 votes [17.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.39%

  3. i have been Forced to play on TG servers (4 votes [17.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.39%

  4. i just Love Tg but equipments are not enough (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  5. Other (1 votes [4.35%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.35%

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hi .

@kingarthur  i have read your news topic about why  you  shutdown   siege server .

thats not the best   choice to close the server for some hated players .

about 90% players   loves  TG servers  because you using   the best equipments  in your server .

so i have added a poll to see what will comes .

we want to play  again   in siege server .

also   open  X   key in it . lol  its really needed .

pls open it .


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The trolls will of course go where the population lies, but there are plenty of players who play because of what the server provides, and you should see that when the server comes back up.

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    Furor Anatolicus

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We hate tg... That's why we play, we are masochist fucks.

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u guys should cancel the admin kick option permanently and start using only 1 hour ban  & permanent ban.

the siege equipments are being destroyed all the time because of (kick and comeback troll 3 times) not mentioning the other 10 trolls on the server who are waiting their turn..


in my opinion 1 hour ban teaches a bit of a lesson, kick = doesn't hurt at all

this may help ur server more against trolls.


**my opinion**

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    The Mongol

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Maybe you have reason but kick exists since junior admins have restrictions in admin tools and not all can ban directly (until end trial job and change to higher rank), so if they kick some times in a row, then they can turn this in ban if need, understand?


Also not all who destroy own siege weapon make it intentionally, some times they do by mistake because are noobs and they don't know how work/control these, so will be unfair ban directly to all who destroy it for this reason that I say.

  • alirezakaj likes this



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u could change ur policies if its gonna make the gamplay better 


"so not all who destroy own siege weapon make it intentionally, some times they do by mistake because are noobs and they don't know how work/control these, so will be unfair ban directly to all who destroy it for this reason that I say"

its only 1 hour ban, its a good lesson
before he get 1 hour ban u tell him the reason before u ban him



    The Mongol

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We can't change restrictions for juniors by now, it's all about this.


"its only 1 hour ban, its a good lesson
before he get 1 hour ban u tell him the reason before u ban him"


I do things in different way when I'm sure that player is noob hitting by mistake, I try to show how work new stuff and where are instructions, and invite them to read it before use siege weapons again, then if after this they don't stop, I ban  ;)

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I guess I'm not sure how trolling works, but didn't they win?  I can only imagine how much they love that they, 10+ players, took away fun from 150+ players by being trolls and calling admins names, etc.


I choose to play on TG, despite the fact that I am an NA player and have to deal with ping issues as a result.  God forbid we have to settle for GK admins and their self-righteous attitudes again.


Can we please just move on and show the trolls that they don't have this large of an impact?

  • Skull Of Plums and Amamama like this



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PizzaDelivery, on 27 Jul 2016 - 2:29 PM, said:

u could change ur policies if its gonna make the gamplay better 


"so not all who destroy own siege weapon make it intentionally, some times they do by mistake because are noobs and they don't know how work/control these, so will be unfair ban directly to all who destroy it for this reason that I say"

its only 1 hour ban, its a good lesson
before he get 1 hour ban u tell him the reason before u ban him



BlackDeath, on 27 Jul 2016 - 2:39 PM, said:

We can't change restrictions for juniors by now, it's all about this.


"its only 1 hour ban, its a good lesson
before he get 1 hour ban u tell him the reason before u ban him"


I do things in different way when I'm sure that player is noob hitting by mistake, I try to show how work new stuff and where are instructions, and invite them to read it before use siege weapons again, then if after this they don't stop, I ban  ;)


some times  when  players using  seige weapons they  killing teamate  just by an mistake .   so ithink  kick system is needed  and it must be more  than 3 teamate kill .

my Opinion is troll players  makes the game more fun  as i am always  doing troll with sounds/kick players to drop of tower :D .  imean its fine and funny .  you dont need to close the server for these reasons .





and about the poll i gonna  say  looooool   .   i found people who  hate  TG  servers .





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I couldnt reply on the KA topic so I will reply now to the BlackDeath s comment he made there ..


You said you care for us .. But I d rather say not all of us.


I remember well the time i got constantly teamhit, harassed, kicked, by a player for like 3 hours .. and you were here all this time and despite all of my calls for your help, you gave 0 SHIT and made nothing.


Yesterday, i just called one of your friend simply a "noob" (which is like saying "hello" online on a videogame), and I got instant kick by you.




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Concerning KA, i feel really bad for him, he built up all of this from the first stone, he made some greatest maps ever (Minas Tirith, The Wall) and he is wise and a rightfull leader. For sure, he does deserve at the very least Respect and many more.

I tried to compliment him from time to time,

but sadly, as usual, most bad things are less forgetable than the good ones



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MorganKatarn (or should I say Pacemeas, or Ariadalf?... ) seems that you are well known troll too, and I don't pay so much attention to help trolls, so maybe this is why.

MorganKatarn, on 27 Jul 2016 - 6:57 PM, said:

Yesterday, i just called one of your friend simply a "noob" (which is like saying "hello" online on a videogame), and I got instant kick by you.

 yesterday (or 25/7 or 24/7), there was no any player with the name MorganKatarn playing, so tell me what name you used or,

...are you lying?

About kicks alirezakaj, if you abuse these you can get kick/ban too, because maybe funny for you but no for others. <-- it's a warn

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where's " i dont play MnB since mount and siege server has gone offline" option?  :( 

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ASSDRILLER, on 27 Jul 2016 - 9:17 PM, said:

where's " i dont play MnB since mount and siege server has gone offline" option?  :(

where's the "I wanna get assdrilled since mount and siege server has gone offline? :(

  • Amamama and Aspasia like this

Skull Of Plums

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rich_bitch, on 27 Jul 2016 - 9:56 PM, said:

where's the "I wanna get assdrilled since mount and siege server has gone offline? :(


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Most of new players choose TG server because it's very huge and natural. But why is it unusual? We are all humans. We are all social monkeys. We need more blood,more steel, more pigs, more fun, more pleasure - more players and grand fights with them. It's ok.

I started to play this game few years ago. I choose this server because it had many players for fight. I have playing arena, battle, duel mods, because I wanted to kill those bastards. But now I dont want to murder. I know most of players and they know me ( I quess). And I love them. Siege server has high walls,basements, ladders, nooks, towers when I can to hide, running away or have some innocent trolling without kicking. And I like it. Its like a home among all of mb servers.


What I want to say: Its nice try to show new facilities for new players, but not good for players like me.

  • Skull Of Plums, Omen and Amamama like this



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Any update on when the server expects to come back? I think it's fairly obvious that TG offers the best casual siege.

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I am Pacemeas BlackDeath,


think you should know it , because last time when you kicked me, You called me by my previous name (MorganKatarn instead of Pacemeas).



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MorganKatarn, on 28 Jul 2016 - 3:21 PM, said:

I am Pacemeas BlackDeath,


think you should know it , because last time when you kicked me, You called me by my previous name (MorganKatarn instead of Pacemeas).

Thanks for confirm what I already know. You are Pacemeas, and you were Ariadalf, 2 times perm banned in siege already, now blacklisted and closely watched (as Pacemeas or whatever new name you can use), I think you should know it too.

Is good (for others) to know how a player lie and show false info to others to try change opinions about admins.

Better don't act like this :not:



    The Mongol

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**MountAndSiege** will be started today, soon since just now.

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