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siege server that is already offline

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25 replies to this topic

Poll: TG reputation (23 member(s) have cast votes)

why we play on TG siege server ?

  1. TG uses the best equipments on server and i love it (14 votes [60.87%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 60.87%

  2. i have my own server and i hated TG servers (4 votes [17.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.39%

  3. i have been Forced to play on TG servers (4 votes [17.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.39%

  4. i just Love Tg but equipments are not enough (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  5. Other (1 votes [4.35%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.35%

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  • Banned
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You already Knew but still you said :


"there was no any player with the name MorganKatarn playing, so tell me what name you used"


So who is Lying ?


I told you my previous Name was Morgan Katarn, not Ariadalf, Ariadalf is not Morgan Katarn, but a friend of mine.

KA knows this already since i asked him personally to unban him.


And i didnt lie, just stated the truth,

when a player was harassing me for 3 hours you did nothing, when i called one of your friends with a "bad" word, you INSTANT ACTED.

  • Skull Of Plums likes this



    The Mongol

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I told you my previous Name was Morgan Katarn, not Ariadalf, Ariadalf is not Morgan Katarn, but a friend of mine.

KA knows this already since i asked him personally to unban him.

Good to know, thanks.



    Ancient Member

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where's the "I wanna get assdrilled since mount and siege server has gone offline? :(


  • Aspasia likes this



    Ancient Member

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u guys should cancel the admin kick option permanently and start using only 1 hour ban & permanent ban.
the siege equipments are being destroyed all the time because of (kick and comeback troll 3 times) not mentioning the other 10 trolls on the server who are waiting their turn..

in my opinion 1 hour ban teaches a bit of a lesson, kick = doesn't hurt at all

this may help ur server more against trolls.

**my opinion**

That would be an option but one of my oldest idea was, but is not possible, make it like this 1h ban by server or admin as first warning, if you get banned again in the same week 1 day ban and if you get banned after that in the same month 1month ban..... and something like that on and on, but we can't automate this process due weak mbw engine. PRAY FOR BANNERLORD LADS ;)

Btw could someone edit the poll and add "other" as this poll is pretty one sided



    The Mongol

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Btw could someone edit the poll and add "other" as this poll is pretty one sided

Done! :)



    Legendary Member

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Ok, people pleas. The poll is a joke obviously. Look at the voters who voted negatively/against TG. Pleas, they are obviously either jokeing or trolling. This poll isnt taken seriously :)

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