*First!!! >>> you need mod NeoGK (last version of our TrollPatch) for this.
Because many players ask for help about this command keys ingame (even having help-info for keys and more in online menus), and never was posted before (think), here are...
This is for all Normal players:
- Team damage board: (P)key - This displays team daamge board.
- Server population check: (F6)key - This displays current server population.
- Camera position save: You can save current camera position with Left Shift + (F7)key. - When spectator, you can call the saved camera position with (F7)key.
- Flag position check: Left Shift + (P)key - It displays flag position when you are watcher and besides player view.
- Enviroment effect off/on: Left Shift + Left Ctrl + (F5)key - It turns off/on enviroment effects for low PC user. (to disable: loop sound, raining, warsmoke prop) Warn: this off your game (off from server only), so you need join server again.
Actions (in brown = enabled in arena server, but maybe off in other servers like siege):
- Crouch: weapon mode toggle(X) (without a javelin or throwing axe or longaxe) - Crouch can avoid a horizontal swing.
- Dodging: The backward arrow key + weapon mode toggle(X) (without a javelin or throw axe or longaxe) - Dodging can avoid a front attack.
- Warcry (taunt): keyboard side (5,6,7,8,9,0)key. (extra action: action key(F) + (6,7,0)key ) - You can cheer. Also, (M)key or (,)key is old cheer & taunt.
- Cow (mooo!), owl hoot and others: (,)key -There are some more randoms sounds using this key. <<< (last change added to servers)
Explained keys:
5 - warcry
6 - stop voices
7 - different random phrases
8 - different random phrases
9 - menace, insult coward enemy, whatever you think
0 - celebrate
F+6 - Hey you!
F+7 - cough (if haven't Ni! mod)
F+0 - insults + celebrate
- Horse whinnying: (5)key - Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!
- Horse caper (or dance
): need stop before apply Left Ctrl + (J)key
Also for Ni! mod users:
- Ni! voices : F + (7)keys - Say Ni! (3 random voices)
*After using the warcry, you can not use it again for several seconds.