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How are people able to block when they are lying on ground after horse push?

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    Ancient Member

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That's been a problem for me very long. I see very often that people are able to block even tho they are lying on the ground. But when ever I have such situation, I'm completely helpless. Anyone any tips? 

  • BlackDeath, SideStrafe, DierornSVK and 25 others like this




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That's some kind of a bug. But it's no hack for sure, it sometimes happen for me, too. But I don't really know when it happens and how to do it.

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    Elite Member

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Just spam space key + WASD keys and spam right mouse button. It's bound to happen once. 



    Ancient Member

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I did some tests with horse and I did push fighting people down (Cruel, I Know, but I did it for science!  :D ) and it seems that some people know how to use it, because it seems that them almost every time block like that. But it would be nice to do some serious tests and record them to figure out this thing. :-)



    The Mongol

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One of things that I hate more: being killed after that my horse dies and I haven't anything to do to try defend myself before someone kill me.

Happened many many times, damn :viking2:


@Highly_Adv_Nob I will try doing this: spam space key + WASD keys and spam right mouse button, thanks (hope it works)

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