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Ex-Staffers admins

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    The Mongol

  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 6073 posts
  • LocationFlying around in space

Ex Staffers:

Aeneu â™£  Was High Admin, TrollPatch Editor, In-Game Administrator (retired)

Alpha â™£  Was admining on Siege (inactive)

Amamama ♣  Was Senior Admin, Forum Moderator, In-Game Administrator (retired)

Annie  â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (inactive)

Aodizf â™£  Was admining on Arena (inactive)

Aratar  ♣  Was High Admin, Forum Administrator, In-Game Administrator (inactive)

Arch3r â™£  Was admining on Siege, Arena, Duel (inactive)

Aregodas â™£  Was admining on Arena, Siege, Duel, Battle (inactive)

Butze â™£  Was admining on Arena (retired)

BlackDeath â™£  Was High Admin, In-Game Administrator (retired)

Daki â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (inactive)

Elary ♣  Was Senior AdminForum Moderator, In-Game Administrator (retired)

EpicFail8221 â™£  Was In-Game Administrator  (inactive)

Femail_Hunam â™£ Was admining on Siege, Arena (retired)

Floda â™£  Was admining on Arena (account lost after forum restoration)

Floki â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (left admin job)

Gannicus â™£  Was admining on Arena, Battle (inactive)

GermanyBestBeer â™£  Was admining on Siege (inactive)

Hihihihiih â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (inactive)

Horatius â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (moved out of administration)

Iceqatius â™£  Was High Admin, TrollPatch Editor, In-Game Administrator (retired)

Joss  ♣  Was Senior Admin, Forum Moderator, In-Game Administrator (retired)

Kamby â™£  Was admining on Arena, Duel (moved out of administration)

KingArthur â™£  Was High Admin, TrollPatch Editor, In-Game Administrator (retired)

Kodam â™£  Was admining on Arena (inactive)

Lag_Queen â™£  Was admin on Siege, Arena, Battle, Invasion (inactive)

Langueborg â™£  Was junior admining on Siege (inactive)

Lizard_Wizard â™£  Was Senior AdminTrollPatch Editor (retired)

Lockdog ♣  Was In-Game Administrator (inactive)

Melweddyn â™£  Was admin in Siege (inactive)

Merchant ♣  Was Senior Admin, Forum Moderator, In-Game Administrator (retired)

narwka â™£  Was admining on Arena, Duel (inactive)

Omen ♣  Was High Admin, Forum Administrator | In-Game Administrator (retired)

Palman â™£  Was admining on Siege, Arena (left admin job)

Parzival â™£  Was In-Game Administrator + Invasions (inactive)

Percyvelle â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (moved out of administration, banned and then forgiven)

Prade â™£  Was admining on Arena (inactive)

R3D(RKD) â™£  Was admining on Siege, Arena (inactive)

Randomdude â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (inactive)

Ronald_Meliossandro â™£  Was admining on Siege (inactive)

Shaga ♣  Was admin in Siege (retired)

SieXiuS ♣  Was admining on Arena, Duel, Battle (left admin job)

Tercio_Philipe â™£  Was admining on Siege (inactive)

The_Knight_Who_Says_Ni â™£  Was admining on Siege (left admin job)

Umbra â™£  Was admining on Siege (inactive)

Umbuz â™£  Was admining on Arena (left admin job)

UMIT â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (inactive)

Votsukan â™£  Was In-Game Administrator (inactive)

WatchDog â™£  Was admining on Battle, Duel (inactive)

White_Potato ♣  Was Senior AdminForum Moderator, In-Game Administrator (retired)

Zee ♣ Was admining on Siege  (inactive)

Edited by Iceqatius, 17 August 2024 - 08:49 AM.

  • DragonBorn_Knight28 and ChinaJet like this

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