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Boundary Barrier (needs) possible Edition

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I propose somes changes on the map Boundary Barrier to avoid admins from banning dozens of players.


1)- You should replace the bridge/gate with a wall and put a tower on it (it will be cool to put a small entrance on the wall with a ladder for attackers like on Helm's Deep: the small entrance on the wall above the gate with small barricades so it will become a very difficult place to take). The wall and the tower will be a strategic but difficult place to take because the infantry (attacker team) can attack from the left / right of the wall to help infantry on others ladders (or go down to the flag). The archers (attacker or defender) will be very well positioned on the tower. Defenders archers have a peripheral vision on the plain (where attackers spawn) and attackers archers a total vision of the flag, right and left wall, trebuchet, wooden wall and on the mountains if they can take this part of the wall.


2)- It will be good to put a tunnel for attackers (because no more gate so less possibility) and make them go behind the flag (after the wood wall [who is a bit useless] between mountains). It will be a very important place because if the defenders don't defend (or neglect this place) the way will be really easy for attackers and they can go directly to the flag. You should put somes barricades for attackers archers so they'll be able to snipe defenders archers / infantry.


3)- The wooden wall should be reinforced : like put a big wooden gate (or a ram but i think it'll be too easy to destroy it) to slow down a bit attackers. You should put a small tower and put a couldron with oil on it. Reinforce the left and right wooden wall for archers, to protect them a bit more (but not too much), put one or two sieges equipments (firing stones or darts if you put arrows / fire arrows it'll be OP).


4)- Also, you should correct the fact that we can pass on the sides of the wooden wall instead of going on the middle of it otherwise it would be too easy and you should put invisible walls everywhere near the tunnel (to avoid players to skip the wooden wall from mountain and directly go to the flag or kill defenders archers).


5)- A fountain would be really good on this map (but on a strategic place) - like near the wooden walls for attackers but without any barricades so it'll be easy for defenders archers to aim attackers on it. It can be good for defenders if they can clean this place. It can be dangerous for defenders if they want to be healed, walk all the "long" way and let the stone wall with less mans on it. It would be nice to put the regeneration of health slow enough.


6)- Maybe put a balloon on this map, i dont know why, maybe you guys have somes ideas?


7)- It would be cool to put a way for defender cavalry to go outside the castle so somes of them can go on the plains kill attackers and destroy siege equipments


8)- You should let the flag where he is. It is cool to let a large space for the cavalry to defend and simply easier to defend or attack for archers / infantry. Or you have any suggestions for it?



P.s : Numbers are used if you want to give other ideas or suggestions to avoid misunderstandings.  :)

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    The Mongol

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Well to me is not a problem add some of ideas above, I will wait for more opinions. Thanks.



    High Admin Emeritius

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I like the map as is now.



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Delete catapult.

Put trebutchet a little back.

It's balanced then. 

  • The_Knight_Who_Says_NI, Waska and gaetano like this



    Old Shrubber

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5)- A fountain would be really good on this map (but on a strategic place) - like near the wooden walls for attackers but without any barricades so it'll be easy for defenders archers to aim attackers on it. It can be good for defenders if they can clean this place. It can be dangerous for defenders if they want to be healed, walk all the "long" way and let the stone wall with less mans on it. It would be nice to put the regeneration of health slow enough.




7)- It would be cool to put a way for defender cavalry to go outside the castle so somes of them can go on the plains kill attackers and destroy siege equipments


6) +1 it could be helpful for defenders as it is a challenging map to defend. (supposing no defenders are destroying drawbridge )

7) Well adventurous cav already do it sucessfully, ask the spawnkilling/AFK specialist Pyrrah and K3z.


Personally i like the map the way it is.

As an admin i've never punished anyone using the catapult to destroy the  drawbridge, because i consider players are just using an element of game for tactical purpose, but i must say i've never felt comfortable with this, to me it is against the spirit of the gameplay. 


Or else what Mikhailus said and problem's solved.

  • Waska and deformedkepohan like this
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I agree with all changes proposed by Peche except a baloon idea. With baloon you can fly anywhere you want => behind invisble barrier and you cannot be attacked by inf. I would take 90 arrows and easily kill dozens of players without a need to watch my back or whatsoever.



Removing catapult would lead to weakening deffenders. Since I wouldn't be allowed to use it against bridge, I would use it for sure to protect the bridge area, keep it loaded and if players deffending it would died I would use it to kill those, who would dare to open it and later I would shoot and those, who would be passing through.


Instead of moving trebuchet a little back. I would remove ballista completely, it cannot be attacked by deffenders and if used, trebuchet is destroyed all the time. Trebuchet would be still vulnerable against infs climbing up the right ladder, so it would be balanced. If your original idea was meant as a protection against archers, you can always build barricades around.


The best idea is to replace the bridge with wall or allow deffenders to destroy it. Because once it is open, it would be still possible to destroy it with trebuchet as it is the most logical area to fire at (highest cummulation of enemies).



    Old Shrubber

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Removing catapult would lead to weakening deffenders. Since I wouldn't be allowed to use it against bridge, I would use it for sure to protect the bridge area, keep it loaded and if players deffending it would died I would use it to kill those, who would dare to open it and later I would shoot and those, who would be passing through.


Well this why it was placed here in the first place. Cata users generally move it back a bit and fortify it with cades and target the bridge area once attackers have opened it.

But there are players who know the trick and use it to destroy the drawbridge.


This map is pretty unique and has a really old school medieval touch (river/water moat + drawbridge). All those suggestions are nice but it would change it a lot and make more generic imho.

Edited by The_Knight_Who_Says_NI, 05 February 2019 - 03:46 PM.

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the "go tunnel" meme is real hueh

but tunnel itself is kinda too much, since def area not so large and with split push it would be pretty hard for def

instead u can place couple of ladders on the right side to keep pressure on wall

baloon would be op so nah

and well on def side is a nice thing. cant remember tho is existing one working. 

Very nice



    Old Shrubber

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the "go tunnel" meme is real hueh


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I like the map as is now.

I like it too, i just made it to avoid admins from banning people. 



    The Mongol

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I've changed my opinion:


I will let defenders use catapult as they wish in this map, even destroying bridge, if MOST of they agree with it, and consider is a good strategie.

But I'll stop that if some defender don't agree and report it, by teleporting catapult-user... and then better stop doing it.


Map remains like it is.

  • Waska, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and PĂȘche like this

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