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Vaegirs need some changes

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Vaegirs seem like generic faction compared to native as they use mostly sarranid + khergit heavy armors.

In native they have mix with Nord stile armors a bit more.


Main problem is when fighting Nords everyone takes leather suit as nomad one is just ugly so it is sometimes hard to recognize enemy.

I think it would be cool to replace it with the nomad fur clothes archer gets as it looks cool enough and has same stats almost. 

Another  addition I would propose would be mail hauberk (one for 1200 Nords have) as it is in Native, and maybe few cheaper axes curenlty not used.



    The Mongol

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Main problem is when fighting Nords everyone takes leather suit as nomad one is just ugly so it is sometimes hard to recognize enemy.

To me is not a problem, I use this armour to make confussion in enemy, whatever of these two factions I play :rolleyes:


I could call it as "camouflage" armour ^_^

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