Idk what to do to enable them, I tried mashing buttons or just using them so help pls
Idk what to do to enable them, I tried mashing buttons or just using them so help pls
You just equip with them in the Equipment screen as you would normally as with any other kind of arrows; you shoot them as normal as you would an other arrow. Make sure you have the >>> NeoGK mod installed for them to even show in your Equipment load out screen. These arrows to equip with, are only in the Equipment load out screen for the Sarranid faction and, ofc, of the Archer class. The Rhodok faction of their Archer class have the Flaming bolts; they have the same effect as that of the flaming arrows and, ofc, shoot in the same manner as any other crossbow bolt. To test to see if you have the arrows/bolts loaded out: Just fire 1 at the ground close to you; if you see any kind of flame emit from them after the hit, then you have them. Another way to know, is simply press G to drop the bow; you're arrows/bolts will drop also. Press F and pick up your bow and then hover over where your dropped arrows/bolts are and see what shows on your screen as to what kind of arrows/bolts you are hovering over; press F again to pick up the arrows/bolts.
Both of these type of "Flaming" bolts/arrows can also be randomly found in random places on some of the maps and can randomly be found in random breakable chests too.
After do all that Chivalrous said above: if you don't see name "fire arrow" or other "" in equipment, try looking for "practice arrow" or similar "" because is how these ammo are translated in game.
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