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Where is Watch Your Steps Map?

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    Elite Member

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 because it's a spawn killing crap


This is just someones opinion and why is it a problem for Death match game type? There is a lot of spawn killing map in rotation. Most of them in a way.


I just don't get it: if 1/3 of players like WYS, why remove it? 1/3 is not enough to vote for it, but it can be voted back to Arena in any time. Why do you remove it? Why keep 80% of the rotation with no-name no-fun maps but not give us WYS?



    Elite Member

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And it's really a shame to hear some admin saying crap about a map that many players like.




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And it's really a shame to hear some admin saying crap about a map that many players like.

That's not my opinion, i quite like the map but I'm not blind to the fact that 40% of players will quit rather then play that map. Either directly or within 5 minutes..

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