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Mount&Siege Revival Event 2021

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  • High Admin
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Something people thought was impossible WAS MADE possible yesterday on the Mount&Siege server! Namely a full 200 player server with over 190+ people playing at the same time. AWESOME!







Thank you all that participated!


Clans/Teams/Groups that was present or represented:

MoB - AT - WaC - Brothers - SB - Voevoda - Chadsquad - DoF - THC - Wolfpack - PYRO - GK - LA - Dragons - 300 plus all the individual players!


Taleworlds Link:



Special Thanks to the Men of Borr (MoB) and MoB_Griff for organising the event. Thanks also to all the TG admins that was present to make sure the event went smooth without to many disruptions.

  • Aeneu, (300)Zawisza, Saddoveanu and 6 others like this



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yeah it was amazing to feel like years ago when that server population was daily  :D

  • Aeneu, MoB_Griff, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and 1 other like this



    Ancient Member

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Thanks to everyone who made this possible; though I couldn't enjoy it that much on account of the lag and consecutive disconnections.

  • MoB_Griff, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and Iceqatius like this

will graham

will graham


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  • LocationAlbania

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