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Map Rotation - Invasion

Invasion Siege Defence Bots

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  • High Admin
  • 341 posts

The invasion server is back with a slightly different approach.
Here is the rotation. Last updated 2024-07-25.
Samarra Castle

Malayurg Castle

Walls of Bariyye
Motte and Bailey

Haima Castle
Earnside Castle

Walls of Suno

Ryibelet Castle
Vyincourd Castle
Jameyyed Castle

Culmarr Castle
Dhirim Town
Chalbak Castle

Mynyw Fort

Curin Castle

Hailes Castle
Samarra Castle (2nd)
The Arena

Weyyah Castle
Brunwud Castle
Kalran Castle

Jameyyed Castle (2nd)

Radogihr Fort

Haima Castle (2nd)

Slezhk Castle
Bardaq Keep
Walls of Uxkhal

Unuzdaq Castle
Mynyw Fort (2nd)


Not in rotation at the moment

Most of them were made by Taleworlds, Earnside Castle was made by gokiller, Middle of Nowhere was made by Aeneu. Mynyw Fort, Broch, Motte n Bailey was made by Adorno and Kalran Castle was made by DXaero and Ettenrocal. I edited them to be fully playable in the invasion mode. Enjoy!

  • Joss, Aura*, Vereesa and 1 other like this




  • High Admin
  • 341 posts

Added four more maps: Dhirim Town - Samarra Castle - Brunwud Castle - Bardaq Keep. :hey:

  • Joss likes this

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